Idiots (Day 6)

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Well, I believe that at least a few people wanted an epilogue, so here it is!

I own nothing!



Surprising everyone, including herself, Haruhi managed to refrain from outright murdering the band until their manager got there.

Then she started to yell at them, telling each one how stupid they were, and why it was extremely wrong, to break into someone's apartment. Even if it was because they were sick. This went on for some time.

Then she sighed, "Honestly! After this, I feel like I need to quit and move!"

That got everyone's attention. Them breaking in made Haruhi want to quit?! 

All of the males in the room seemed distressed by this, but she really didn't care. In fact, she opened the door and motioned for all of them to get out.

Since she was obviously done talking with everyone for the moment, the members of Freddy's slowly stood up and walked out the door. That is all of them except for Huni.

He stayed exactly where he was, and stared at Haruhi. When she turned to glare at him, Huni spoke, "I'm not leaving unless you agree to stay!" He knew it sounded childish, but he had fun with Haruhi, and he wasn't going to let Tamaki's idiotic ideas ruin that!

"Huni, it's hardly eight a.m. and I've already had an extremely tiresome day. Please don't make it worse."

"No! You said you were going to quit! You're our favorite guard! You can't leave!"

When he said that, something in Haruhi snapped.

"I may be your favorite Mitsukuni. But the fact remains that the six of you still broke into my apartment as I slept. If I didn't know you all so well, I would've called the cops on you. I need time to think all my options over, and I need to do it alone. So I'll say this as nicely as possible. Get out."

With a final pout, Huni stood up and walked out the door. Once he was out the door, Haruhi all but slammed the door and locked it.

Then she sat down on the floor near the couch and thought about everything. She could quit again, but then they'd come up with another reason to beg for her to come back and she'd help them. Or she could quit and move away while changing her phone number so that they couldn't contact her. But if she decided to stay she could ask to switch to a different shift and one that had very little contact with any of them. That one sounded really appealing. With a sigh, Haruhi also considered her last option. She could keep her position as it is now and find a new apartment.

As much as she was tempted by the other options, Haruhi knew she'd end up going for the last option. She really had grown fond of those idiots in the time she'd been working for them.

But that didn't mean Haruhi had to tell them immediately about her decision.


The End!

I had originally only planned for this series to have the first one and nothing else, but now I'm finishing up the finale of the unexpected trilogy!

But I will say this if anyone wants a 4th, then I'll need ideas!

Comment if you'd want a fourth and what it would have and what you thought of the finale!

See ya next time!

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