Hanging out...?

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                     Butter's POV:

I was pretty surprised when Kenny did wanna talk to me more, we are pretty good friends even though I'm told all the time to stay away from him cause he's a player.

He really isn't that bad I mean yeah...he has a really dirty mind and he's probably had sex with everyone but he's really caring too.

I found it weird for Bebe to be talking to me, I really don't know her too well.

"Hey Butters" She smiles and walks over to me before I can go and meet up with Kenny.

"Oh hi Bebe" I smile back.

"So your hanging out with Kenny today right?" she asked and I'm a lightly confused on how she knew that but I nod my head. "Well just be careful with him okay?" she ruffles my hair lovingly.

"oh..o-okay" I blush lightly from her action then walk away then jump when I feel someone's arms wrap around me, I feel some what safer when I notice the orange sleeves and smile.

I take his hand and head to my house. should I really hangout with him? and what did Bebe even mean... I let out a soft sigh and he looks over at me.

"Something wrong?" I smile and shake my head.

"I'm fine just thinking" I open the front door and go inside bring him in behind me.

"Butters? is that you?" my mother comes into the living room as I set my bag down and take my shoes off.

"Hey.." I smile "oh and this is my friend Kenny" He waves at her and smiles.

"Okay well if you need anything just ask" she smiles and goes back to the kitchen. I take Kenny up to my room and he snickers when we go in.

"What?" I look at him.

"Heh your room. its so childish" he giggles and I blush lightly

"No its not.." I cross my arms and sit down on my bed, he sits down next to me so are shoulders touch. I blush lightly from how close he is.

"So uhh..you wanna play a game?" I move away a little so we're aren't that close, I see a smirk creep across his face and he moves closer.

"Sure what game..?" he plays with my hair lovingly and I blush a little more.

"Oh uhh...I don't know.." I shrug a little then out of no where he pins me down on the my bed, my face flushes with red. "K-kenny!? what a-are you d-doing?"

"Nothing" he gets closer to my face and looks into my eyes, I blush a deep color.

"K-Kenny..stop please" I look at him, he doesn't listen and crashes his lips into mine. I try and fight back but he pins my wrist down.

I give up and kiss him back, my heart beats faster. He smirks and bites my lip to ask for entrance, I blush deeply as he sticks his tongue into my mouth and explores.

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