Not Talking

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                        Kenny's POV

A whole fucking week, he wouldn't talk to me for a whole week. Its Friday now and  I've tried to talk to him but he'll just turn the other way to find someone else to talk to.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," I sigh and walk up Wendy, she is such a bitch. "Hey uhm Wendy" I smile at her as she turns around.

"Hello Kenny" she smiles back "Did you need something?"

"Uh yeah I need some help..with a problem" Wendy may be a totally bitch bit she gives the best advice.

"Is this a trick? or do you actually need advice" she crosses her arms and gives me a stern look.

"I need actually advice," she thinks for a moment then pulls me into her club room.

"Alright start talking" she looks at me. I tell everything, well not everything but the important parts.

"So you need help with trying to get Butters to talk to you again?" she looks at me and I nod my head.

"Well first off," she hits my head with her clipboard

"Oww what the hell!" I rub the back off my head.

"How stupid are you? that boy is basically like a butterfly and you crushed him" she crosses her arms. "Kenny you can't just think that someone is going to talk to you again after you stood them up"

"Whoa whoa. I never said that I stood him up" I look at her as she paces back and forth.

"Kenny he wanted to hang out with you then you left to go do something. that's basically him being stood up by you" I feel like time stopped and I just stand there unable to hear what else she says as the words 'you stood him up' rang through my head.

"Kenny? are you even fucking listen to me?" she waves her hand in front of my face and I snap out of it.

"What..? I uhh yeah" I shove my hands into my parka pockets and she sighs.

"Look as long as you try to make it up to him, he should start to talk to you again..okay?" I nod my head at what she says, we both leave the room and go our separate ways to class.

I walk into class and sit next Butters, who ignores me. I tap his shoulder, he turns around to look at me.

"Yes?" he looks at me with his bright blue eyes.

"Look I know your probably mad at me or some shit like that but I want to make it up to you so would you like to hang out later?" I bite my lip a little as u wait for his answer.

"Sorry I'm busy later so I can't" he turns back the other way and goes back to talking.

"Oh okay I we're playing the asshole game well two can play at that game" I mumble softly to myself then I  pull his chair back quickly and he falls onto the floor with a hard hit.

"Oww" he sits up and winces a little from the impact "What the hell Kenny?" he looks at me.

"I didn't do I don't know what your talking about" I look back at the front of the room as the class laughs at him. He gets up slowly and sits back in his chair.

"Mr.Scotch would you like to go to the nurse?" she looks at him as she tells the class to quiet down.

"I-Im fine..thank you though" he's face turns a light pink from embarrassment.

"Okay if your sure" she smiles softly then goes back to teaching.

I work quietly on the worksheet, I can feel his eyes glance at me every now and then like if he's looking for a sign or something.

I smile once the bell rings, I get up and leave class.

** sorry for the lame ending..**

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