Chapter 1 - The beginning to an end

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Hi guys, this is my first official book hope you like it. Like, comment, feedback is much appreciated. ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING

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10 years ago...
I was dead to begin with, from the moment my mother stepped out that door and never looked back she signed a deal with the devil... A perfect life for her in exchange of a house of horrors for me.

"Stop...please" I begged. I had long given up on the kicking and screaming, he was stronger than me. I learnt very quickly that it hurt less when I didn't fight him. Pinned down and left with no energy, I faintly begged, it was a long shot but sometimes my snot-teared face would turn him off when he was sober enough. Clearly today wasn't the case.

It happened a lot, but the past six months had been absolutely brutal. His never ending urge to touch me and do unexplained things to me had grew excessively from when he first started his abuse six years ago.

I was quickly yanked out of that thought as I felt him pierce my walls, I'll never get used to the pain. With no way to fight him I laid there lifeless and still as a statue, tears trickling down my face as small whimpers of pain and disgust left my mouth, until he was done.

His face contoured into one of pleasure, mistaking my whimpers as pleasure, he begged me to 'moan louder', multiple beads of sweat travelled down his face into his neck as he pumped in and out of me. Several moans and grunts left his dry and chipped yet slightly parted lips.

"Ohh... so... uhh..tight" he panted out between each thrust, slamming into me harder with each word, he was close, he usually struggled to breathe when he was nearly finished.

I watched with blurred vision as he reached his climax and released on my leg.

His body slightly twitching with every shot of semen that left his body. Some sweat had gathered around his upper lips, sticking his tongue out to swipe it away, as if hydrating himself for the all the work he had just put in.

From the corner of my eye I saw him put up his trousers as I laid there lifeless, embarrassed, and in pain.

Slowly walking to my bedroom door he turned around to face me.

"That was the good stuff.  We haven't even got to your punishment for today." I froze and for that second I forgot how to breath "Your teacher called."

Opening the door he sent one last smirk my way and slammed the door shut causing me to jump slightly on the bed. As more tears escaped my eyes I rolled off my bed onto all fours, crying silently, I didn't need him to come back in here and hit on me, he usually did if my cries were to loud, worried I would alert the neighbours.

I cried the type of cry that made no sound and I could feel it in my chest, as it burned and ate away at my insides, making it hard to breath. As if the walls around me were caving in and every breath I took never fully reached my lungs.

After my mother left my father for another man he had lost all sense. It started off slowly, with the drinking. He tried his best, dropping me to and from school and all my after school activities like gymnastics or track, but as the drinking got worse, so did his behaviour.

I started making my own ways to school and practice, making my own lunch and dinner. Before I knew it I was getting beaten when I'd make it home late since he was to blacked out he couldn't remember that he had to pick me up.

At just the age of eight I had become a wife to my father in every way possible- from cooking to cleaning to even filling out the martial duties in the bedroom a few years later.

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