Chapter5-Birthday wishes

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Hey guys I know you're probably wondering when the juice is about to come and I promise you soon.
Xyla's POV*

it had been about three months now since I started working for Mr.Howard and things were still pretty tense.

Every morning I would come in,
there would be a new type of jewellery from Tiffany's on my desk, the first week I wouldn't accept them I gave them away to Gen, Princess and even Lennon got some but he was still pushing so after that I started taking them home but I never wore them and I wouldn't , not with the way he was acting. After about a month he seemed to have got the memo cause they stopped. Our conversation were limited to work only topics and occasionally arranging his personal affairs.

Gen told me he had a 'mistresses of the month' which really made me sick. But it look like he changed that tactic because everyday at 11 a new girl would come in. New girl, Same routine.

They would come in the same short skippy dresses, all of them had red lipstick and model like bodies, they came perfect to the T but when they left... you could tell they got that good loving. Some of them couldn't even walk straight to the elevators. The only thing I was happy about was the sound proof walls or I would have nightmares.

After the first two weeks even I had developed a routine, before they stepped foot off the elevator my hand was on that intercom letting Mr.Howard know his 11 o'clock was here and just as soon as they left I was ordering red roses to their address with a note saying
'it just isn't working out it's not you honey it's me I have to much commitments and I can't add another'

Gen and I had grown close over the past month and we developed a little routine as well. She had finally started driving so one week she'd be picking me up and next week I would be picking her up.

It was a bonus that Len and Nathan liked her because that would have been stressful if they didn't. In fact Len and Nathan liked both her and Princess which made Friday so much easier to celebrate since I wanted all of them there.

This week was my birthday week and Gens week to pick me up. Since my birthday wasn't until Friday I had decided on missing my hair appointment last week and moving it to this Thursday instead and leave my hair in a messy bun until I got my hair done after work. My hair was back to its natural curly state now that all the heat from flat ironing it was gone.

"Oh baby girl you look a hot mess."

Laughing at how stupid Gen could be I got in the car. In all honesty she wasn't lying I had slightly let myself go, I hadn't wore make up in over a month and I was dressed plainly in all black with flats.

"I don't look good but you on the other hand ...damn mama, I'll turn gay for you" I joked.

She had her long hair that reached her mid back cut into a bob and her blue eyes seem to shine brighter, she wore an all white dress with a one shoulder strap and her white blazer was behind her chair, probably to cover up the back details of her dress and the strap whilst at work, she paired her dress with strapped white heels. She looked like a Charlie's angel. Her makeup was light with just a little gold eyeshadow some lips gloss and false lashes, and a little foundation to cover up the bags since Mr. Howard had all departments working longer hours lately.

"I have a date after work so I got to look good cause ain't nobody trying to go back home to change."

She had been seeing this guy called Andrew for about 3 weeks now and all we ever heard was Andrew said this Andrew did this and it was annoying but we was happy for her.

Used to doing this everyday, Gen and I separated off to our desks with a promise that we would all eat lunch together since we hadn't in a while it was always Gen and I or Princess and I.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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