Chapter4-Understanding the misunderstanding

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My character playing Xavier leave the comments below and let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy this chapter, please kindly point out any mistakes I might of made ❤️
Xavier's POV*

After yesterday I realised I was a bit harsh on Xyla but she looked like she was about to cry and i didn't deal with crying women very well, I didn't stay for long to even see them cry or get attached.

But I don't why I felt the urge to apologise, after passing a Tiffany&Co store on my way home I remembered how my dad used to buy my mum something from there every time he upset her, so I decided to stop and get Xyla something, after all diamonds are a girls best friend and she seemed like a person who would appreciate it.

I wrote a little note apologising and hoped to get in early before her so I could leave it on her desk.

Apologising... since when,  I thought to myself the moment after I walked out of the store with my purchase.

I made sure to remind myself to tell Peggy to let me know as soon as Xyla entered the building.

I don't know why I felt nervous coming in this morning, it's not like I hadn't gifted some before. But even that thought didn't seem to help, she wasn't one of my mistresses merely an employee yet I still felt compelled to apologise. Words would have sufficed but I still went out of my way to get her a gift.

She'd been on my mind since the interview and I was so sure that once we fucked and got her out of my system I would be over this phase but instead I found myself offering her the position as my assistant and now buying apology gifts.

'Mr. Howard she's in the lift up'

Stepping out off my office I placed the bag on her desk and went to sit down waiting a while. After 15 minutes passed and I was sure she was at her desk and she had opened it, so I called her in.


'Come In'

Walking in, I was as stunned as I was the first time I saw her sat at my desk. Everything about her movements was calculated and I'm sure she wasn't even aware of it herself. Like yesterday she never strayed far from the door of my offices, her body slightly angled in a way that if she needed to escape from the room, she could easily turn and leave. Her perfectly built body was covered in a tight midi skirt that did her legs and body wonders, I was almost certain she herself had no idea just how amazing she looks.

She wore a white shirt that hung to her body wonderfully and left a few buttons open, yet not enough to give someone the wrong idea. She had no make on but looked absolutely beautiful with her sleek black haïr carelessly tied in a bun behind her head and with a pencil in it. Few strands flew here and there framing her face, and her baby hairs curled and slightly frizzy were softly framing her hairline.

I wouldn't lie I was sexually attracted to her, but what female was I not sexually attracted too. From the moment she walked into my office and didn't throw herself at me like the rest, she set a challenge without knowing it. Though she wasn't my type of woman, I preferred them openly boasting their curves and being all over me the moment their eyes had set me in their sight.

As she stepped further into the room, hesitant and slightly slower than I would of liked, the sunlight caught on to the shiny bracelet on her hand and I smirked.
She took a seat, angling the chair once more in a way that if she wished to leave it would be easy for to get up and run. She looked up at me with her doll like eyes before turning her nervous gazing down to the desk.

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