2- 12.The Amazing Phil

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"Is this really necessary?" Dan squeezed his eyes shut, letting Phil smear black paint across his face. Where he had even gotten it was a mystery, but his ambitious need to use it was a little worrying.

"Yes," Phil said. He was in total concentration mode, his tongue poking out as he carefully drew patterns against Dan's skin with his finger. "It's an intimidation tactic. Like Vikings, or.... other people who paint their faces."

"Like five year olds on Halloween?"

"Hey, tone down the sarcasm."

They were supposed to head down to the sports field in ten minutes for capture the flag, and Dan was only kind of nervous. He didn't think he would actually be helpful enough to his team to actually win the game, and he was mostly only doing it for Phil, but another part of him was excited to hang out with people that weren't his cabin mates.

He wanted to have fun, and forget all the stupid drama that his life seemed to auto-generate.

"Okay, done," Phil announced proudly, brandishing a small mirror. "What do you think?"

Honestly, he'd been expecting a lot worse. There were two black lines across both of his cheeks, and a few smaller ones around his chin and forehead. Subtle, but not silly. "Very fashion chic," he said with a smirk.

"Valentino!" Phil said, kissing his fingertips. "Now do me."

"Wow, buy me dinner first."

"Think we might be too late for that," Phil said, laughing as Dan shoved him.

Him and Phil were good. It was scary how good they were; in the back of his mind, Dan was always terrified that they would end up falling apart, that this was nothing but them hooking up sometimes. He wasn't too fond of putting all his heart into something and then having it ripped away.

But Phil was like this ethereal being that made all of his doubt vanish whenever he smiled, or laughed, or kissed him. It was intoxicating.

"How am I even supposed to do this?" Dan asked, staring down at the jar of paint warily, but before Phil could answer, the door opened and Emery walked in.

"I'm not even gonna ask," he said, staring at them with a hundred questions in his eyes.

"Good, you don't wanna know," Phil said.

Dan stared at the door, knowing that any second, Finn would walk in. He didn't have the guts or mind to face him right now. The anger had faded away, and now there was just this deep, unsettling sadness, knowing that one of his friends had done something like that to him.

He wanted to forgive him. He wished he could just put it all in the past and let them be happy and nice again, and never have to face the awkwardness or the betrayal, but he knew it wouldn't happen.

And as if he'd read his mind, Emery said, "You guys know Finn is switching cabins?"

"What?" Phil said, obviously shocked. "Why?"

"Don't know, he wouldn't tell me. He didn't look too happy about it, though."

Dan stared down at his knees and didn't say anything. He knew if he did, he would have to tell them what happened, and he wasn't prepared for that yet.

"Does that mean we're gonna have a new roommate?" Phil asked. He looked worried, like it was his fault or something.

Emery shrugged, shoving the pile of clothes that were on his bed onto the floor. "Most likely. Hope it's not someone we hate."

"God, I hope it's not Nick," Phil muttered. Dan raised an eyebrow at him knowingly. "Did I say that out loud?"

"Okay, let's go before we're late." Dan pulled Phil off of the bed and out the door. "See you later, Em."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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