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"He's your boyfriend, right?" I asked while looking at her, to see her reaction. And, she almost chocked after hearing what I said.

"B-Boyfriend?" She said acting innocent. Tsk.

"Ne. Am I right? He's your boyfriend. I saw you two talking in the hallway about your relationship with him." I explain, still looking at her. Waiting for her to say 'Let's keep it a secret'. But, instead of saying that, She laugh.

"B-Boyfriend? HAHAHA....Ani Ani. Hahaha. Why everyone thought that he's my boyfriend. Even Yerin-unnie think like that too..Hahaha." She said while laughing so hard, and I just frown. What did she mean?

"Wae? Am I wrong?" I said, frowning.

"Ne...You're wrong. He's not my boyfriend. Pfft." She said controlling her laugh.

"Then, What? What's your relationship with him?" I asked, confuse. If he's not her boyfriend. Then, what's their relationship? Don't tell me....it's.


SinB's P.O.V

"He's my Brother. Pabo... I mean my adopted brother." I said while smiling like an idiot. I wonder how his face looked like right now.

"Wait...You mean, He's not your boyfriend?" I heard him asked. So, I just nodded. Well, I can't see him. "B-But, About what I heard before...It seems like you two are dating..." He said in disbelief.

I just chuckle because of his reaction---even I can't see him--.

"Well, it's not like that. And also, were not dating. Pabo. I just treat him as my Brother. That's all." I said,

"Ah..." How sad, that I can't even see his reaction.

Silence filled us again--for how many times-- but it's quickly break when he suddenly talk. "But, Why you're too afraid to know by others that you two are siblings?" He asked, confuse.

I stop from my sit after hearing what he said. I wonder why,too?

"I don't know?" I asked to myself. Yeah, I asked myself.

"You don't know?-----" I cut him off.

"But, maybe because I'm blind." I said, while head down.

I didn't hear him response or even hummed for response but I can sense that he's looking at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Because I think... it's not good to his image to be known to have a blind sister. Well, no one knows what will other gonna say after knowing that. Maybe, others will pity him and me. Or maybe others will---"

"Judge you and him." I stop from talking as I close my mouth. "Am I right?" he asked.

"Ne. You're right." I shortly replied.

"Hmm...You know. Not everyone will pity you or judge you if you say the truth. But, I can't promise that everyone will be on your side also sees you as a good one. But, you know...I can promise that I will be here on your side. No matter what happened. As your Best friend. I will be here to always comfort you and to always make you smile." I stop after hearing him. Did he just said 'Bestfriend'?

"B-Bestfriend? Did you just call me, your B-Bestfriend?" I asked stuttering. Not knowing if I should believe on him or not.

Aside from Yerin-unnie. No one asked me or tell me again to be their Bestfriend. But, now...Did he just call me his?

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