Dark Angels

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The Phantom Thief. That's a very famous title: The Phantom Thief. He vanished over forty years ago and is about to return to the world...tonight.

The police had recieved a warning note informing them of the Phantom Thief's intentions on stealing the Sacred Maiden and at eleven o'clock, The Phantom Thief will strike and it would be revealed whether he is real or not...


With a sigh Hikaru Kilan places her sketch book onto her lap, watching with her large doe-brown eyes as the sun lowers itself into the horizon. Somehow her best friend Risa Herada convinced her to join her and her twin sister, Riku, at the scene of the crime.

Flipping the cover shut Hikaru lifts herself onto her feet, wincing when she hears her joints pop into place. Streching her arms over her head, Hikaru shakes loose strands of her pale silver hair from her round face.
The Phantom Thief. She thinks with a small smile dancing on her lips, What a joke.

"Hey Hikaru!" Dropping her arms to her sides, Hikaru glances over her shoulder and sees firey red hair racing in her direction.

"Hey Daiske!"  Daiske Niwa grins widely as he stops beside Hikaru, placing his hands on his knees as he desperately sucks in cool evening air. After a minute, he straighens so that he is leveled with Hikaru.

"Miss. Herada wanted me to remind you to be on time." He says, his eyes glazing over when he mentions 'Miss. Herada.' That's how Hikaru knows he's talking about Risa and not her twin sister Riku; he is hopelessly in love with her despite the fact that she doesn't return his feelings.

She drops her head in a single nod, watching herself in the reflection of his auburn eyes.

"Ok Dai." Behind her, the clouds are shifting and blending...it would make an amazing painting. "But you didn't have to run over to tell me. There's something called a cellphone."

She watches as Daiske flushes a bright crimson, his eyes turning away from her and they land on the ground.

"I-uh, well um you see, ummmm-"

"Are you coming?" Hikaru inquires, breaking Daiske's awkward ramblings. The flush on his face fades and he quickly shakes his head, lifting his eyes from the ground.

"No." The edges of Hikaru's mouth turns downwards,

"Why not?"

A look of absolute panic crosses Daiske's features and he struggles for an answer. Seeing his eyes dart frantically around, Hikaru sighs,

"Let me guess. Family?"

Relief flows out of Daiske and he releases his tense muscles.

"Um yeah. Family stuff."

Oh Daiske. Hikaru thinks with a smile plastered on her face, What a terrible liar you are....

Dark Angel (DN Angel fanfiction) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now