Around Midnight

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12:49 AM.

My eyes so focused

Emerald with a hint of brown.

But those who are farther away only see the darkness.

So, come closer.

Look closely.

Can you see the forest in my eyes?

Can you see the green leaves moving in the wind?

Your eyes so distracted

Bouncing from my eyes back to my lips.

And I stare into your chocolate eyes once more.

Those dark, mysterious eyes that put a spell on people.

Including me.

Those eyes everyone wants to figure out, but I know.

I can see the moon shining through your dark cold night,

Shining so bright that it reflects off the ocean.

I can see your waves crash on the shore,

So peacefully that it lulls me to sleep.

Come closer.

Come until my eyes are filled with a colorful garden.

Come until your eyes are filled with the most vibrant sunset.

Until your soft lips fall onto mine

And your eyes get so heavy you need to shut them.

You embrace me, wrapping your hands around my body,

Pressing your wet lips against mine, harder.

You listened.

Coming closer until I was against your chest.

Until I can feel your heartbeat against mine.

Until your fingertips dance against my skin

Like raindrops bouncing off a windshield.

Oh, baby, I can feel you.

The thunderstorm rushing through my fragile body.

The lightning explodes against my lips

As I kiss every single inch of you, admiring you,

Like a masterpiece in an art gallery.    

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