Ghost Girl Part 2

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The rains immediately stopped. The clouds seemed to disappear, and everyone chattered in confusion and apprehension, thinking this was the calm before the storm. Alex literally ran into the door, and it opened with a bang. There was a stampede, everyone running outside into the now crowded hallway. Due to the damage to the top floors of school, our class went into the assembly hall. I asked why we didn't evacuate.

"The doors to outside won't open."

'How smart,' I thought. 'If it's Zoe causing this, I guess having us all in one place means she won't have to do much to kill us all.'

Next to me, Alex was on his phone, tapping his foot, trying to contact his family.

"There's no internet connection, because there's no power." He said. "There is literally no way to contact anyone. The phone lines are dead. We're stuck here. According to the teachers, we are literally trapped in here, because the doors have all been jammed."

"Zoe's smart." I said. "We used to tease her for being dumb, but she knows how to close loopholes. If she wants us dead, she'll have devised a fool-proof plan."

"Then why doesn't she do it?" Asked Alex. "Why not just smite us all with lightning right now? Why is she bothering to kill us one by one?"

"I think I know why." I said. "She's always been kind. If her ghost is anything like she was, she won't kill innocent people. She'll let them escape. But she wants revenge on those who hurt her. And she's making sure she gets everyone and not injure other people."

"Then what's her hurry?" Asked Alex. "Why not give them a painful, long life?"

"I don't know." I said. "I don't really know how she thinks, actually."

He was going to reply, but he faltered when a boy sitting in front of us, Tom, stood up and walked over to the front, next to the teachers, before facing us and just staring. Everyone got quiet, which was also unusual.

"What's going on?" Alex whispered.

"I don't know." I said.

"Sit down, Tom." Ms Merim said. Tom smirked, and I tried to turn around to get a better look at him.

"And why would I do that?" He asked loudly. This was strange, he was usually quiet and would never have dared do this. He smiled wider, and I shuddered; There was something wrong with his smile. It was insane.

"Let's play." He spat.

And then he lunged at Kathy, who was sitting nearest to him. As fast as a viper he whipped a knife out of his pocket and drove it straight through her chest. She let out a strangled yelp before falling to the ground. I screamed, along with everyone else, and he pulled out the knife from the now feebly stirring body of Kathy.

"KATHY!" Screamed Jenny. "What the hell Tom?" 

Tom faced her and smiled in a mocking way, as if she had just done something stupid and slightly amusing. He walked over to her, and she scrambled back until her back was against a wall. He loomed over her, pointing the knife at her chest.

"Why?" She sobbed. "Why would you do this?"

"Because It's fun." He said. Jenny's eyes widened before she dashed past him, dodging the knife that her threw at her before ducking behind a row of empty chairs. He smiled that creepy smile again before pulling a third knife out of his pocket and throwing the knife at Jenny. She twisted behind a seat to the knife didn't hit her, but it still sliced a nasty gash in her leg. The other students, including me, watched with a sick sort of fascination, almost in a daze. We didn't know what to do, and it felt like my brain went into overload. Tom pulled another knife out of his pocket, grinning at her again. Several students snapped out of their initial shock and ran for the door, but Tom blocked the way out. 

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