The boy

28 3 9

My first attempt at a horror/ creepy riddles story. :p

Someone's screaming inside my head.

Even though I know it's me, it doesn't sound like me. It sounds wrong. It sounds crazy. It's possible that I am crazy, and just don't know it yet.

It's been screaming since Laura died, my head mimicking the exact sound I imagine she made three nights ago when she heard the thunk thunk thunk of heavy footsteps in that bedroom as she was huddled under a pile of clothes in the wardrobe. Have you ever lost a friend? Maybe you have, but not in the way I did. She didn't deserve what happened to her.

I remember the day I met her, four years ago. It was a humid, sunny day and I was twelve, in the middle of a school assembly. Laura sat next to me, her hands in her pencil case, trying to text her brother without her phone being seen. She was surprisingly good at it and no teacher could tell what she was doing. We became fast friends and texted each other every night after we'd done homework. Only, three nights ago our conversation was anything but normal. I'm going to copy and paste it:

Suddenly_Pinapples is online - 2:45 am

Suddenly_Pinapples: Hey Laura u there?

Laura_The_Explora is online

Laura_The_Explora: Hey friend! And did u hear? Tim asked out Abby the same night he went out w/ Natasha!!!

Suddenly_Pinapples: Srsly? Poor girls

Laura_The_Explora: Tbh I don't actually care about Natasha, she's such a fish

Suddenly_Pinapples: Lol I don't think you meant that

Laura_The_Explora: Hey. No. Damn it auto cucumber

Suddenly_Pinapples: Hahahaha 

Laura_The_Explora: Ducking phone!

Suddenly_Pinapples: This is great

Laura_The_Explora: This ducking phone won't let me ducking cuss!

Suddenly_Pinapples: Ur making it worse stop trying

Laura_The_Explora: Ugh. Im still doing the English homework

Suddenly_Pinapples: I just finished that

Laura_The_Explora: They gave us sooo much. The storm outside keeps distracting me.

Suddenly_Pinapples: Storm?

Laura_The_Explora: Yeah outside there's so much lightning.

Suddenly_Pinapples: No storm here. O.O

Laura_The_Explora: Weird. But we do live on other sides of city

Suddenly_Pinapples: True

Laura_The_Explora: Wth the lightning is so loud

Suddenly_Pinapples: Lightning is loud.

Laura_The_Explora: Yeah but this is weird. The rain on the roof is so loud tho

Suddenly_Pinapples: how can you hear it? Ur bedrooms on the first floor

Laura_The_Explora: What? MY house is one storey idiot

Suddenly_Pinapples: srsly? Sorry I forgot.

Suddenly_Pinapples: Im gonna get some sleep soon

Laura_The_Explora: Nooo don't leave me

Suddenly_Pinapples: IM TIRED

Laura_The_Explora: IM TIRED 2.

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