Day 47

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I cried. For a reallllly long time. That's all I did.
Jane brought me food. That I didn't eat.
Melanie talked to me. I didn't respond.
My mom held me. I just cried.
I didn't tell them what had happened.
I refuse to admit it happened.
But I know it did.
Because Jasper comes into our room every night.
And touches me.
Sometimes it's worse.
Sometimes it's not.
But it breaks me.
I don't even feel like getting out of bed half the time.
It's a daily battle.
And I don't like it.
LukeySkyWalky: what's up with Em
Melaficent: no idea she's still not responding
TheChrisis: do you think she's okay
JasperTheFriendlyGhost: I think she's okay. I can try talking to her if you want. She usually likes when I talk to her.
ElevensRealName: thanks for that j. Let us know what she says.

How would you guys feel if I wrote a different story? Like a non-fanfic one.
Would you read it?
Please let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading! Sorry for never updating!!!!!!


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