Day 68

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The last few days have been the same. It's summer, I'm free, let's party. I don't take anyone with me, I tell everyone I'm leaving the house, and then, well, leave. I go out to the club, or to a bar, and I drink a few drinks, and I dance with every guy I can get a hold of, and I go home with whichever one offers first. It's the same pattern every night. Ever since we won the trial I've been trying to live because I never know what's going to happen. I'm trying to have as much fun as possible.
Tonight I'm going out with a few friends I met last week. Journey, Zig, Sam, and Leslie. We're heading to the beach.
"Where are you going?" Hayden asks me as I walk out the door.
"The beach. Why do you care?"
"You haven't been around a lot lately, can I come?"
"Sorry, this is kind of a group thing my friends and I are doing."
"I thought we were your friends, Emily. You worked so hard to get us all here together and you don't even spend time with us. Yes, we get it, Jasper fucked you over, but he's not even here anymore. And when was the last time you made a video, don't your fans miss you?" Hayden spilled out at me, all at once.
"Goodbye Hayden." I slammed the door behind me.
The walk to the beach was only about ten minutes and when I got there I already spotted my friends.
"Heyyyy, it's Emily! Emmmmm!" Zig called at me. Sam whistled.
"Hey guys!" I looked around. They were already high.
"You guys started without me." I took a roll and started smoking it.
"You were taking too long, babe." Zig says and pats his lap for me to sit there.
"Sorry, my friend was being an ass."
"Oh yea, how's that house with all the nerds." Journey asks me. She's the prettiest of the girls. She has long magenta hair, and bright blue eyes. Today she has on a one piece, white bathing suit with blue jeans shorts. She's a lesbian, and honestly if I was too, I'd tap that.
"Yea, Ms. EmmyGames, how's your nerd life?" Leslie asks me. She's the bitchiest. The only reason she's invited it being she gives Sam whatever she wants, and she provides the weed. She has blonde hair that she bleaches at least once a week, and fucking orange skin. I have a feeling that the only reason Sam likes her is because she's a freak in the sheets. I don't ask though.
"Hey, we're not complete nerds, and I make bank. I definitely need to upload soon though, because it's been a while."
"Well not today, babe," Zig says. "You're spending today with us." He wraps his arms around my waist.
Zig is the reason I know everyone else. I was in PetsMart about a week ago, I may have been high, and Zig found me on the floor near the fish tanks. He asked me what my name was, quickly realized I was high, and drove me to his place. I slept over and when I woke up he drove me back to PetsMart to get my car, kissed me, and we traded numbers.
When I came home my mom was pissed, but she can't exactly do anything about it, I'm eighteen.
Zig is the hottest here. Even out of Journey. He has light brown skin, and these deep brown eyes. His eyes are like the color on tree bark when it's wet, they are dark and rough, and they reel you into him. He's tall and slim, definitely used to play baseball. I can see it in him. His hair is an Afro of curls on his head. He's everything that I've ever wanted in a guy.
"Okay. I'll spend today with youuuuuu!" I say.

Hours later I'm as high as a kite, and when my phone rings it definitely scares me.
"Emily Kate Kiing! Where the hell are you? It is two in the morning." I hear my Aunt Meghan on the other end of the phone.
"I'm sorry Aunt Meg, I just lost track of time." I giggle. Zig sits up and kisses my neck.
"Come home now. Your parents are worried out of their minds."
"Okay fine. I'll be home in thirty." I hang up the phone.
"You guys, I have to go home. My parents are worried. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I kiss Zig before leaving. They all wave to me.
The sand is deep and it's not easy walking straight on level ground when you're high, never-the-less hills of sand. I fell about four times before getting to the dock.
The walk home took longer than ten minutes because I kept getting distracted by the strangest things. When I made it home, my mom was waiting at the door with the worst expression on her face.
"Emily, I'm so disappointed. Where have you been?" She looks at me with so much sad in her eyes.
"I was out with friends. We went to the beach and just sat there for hours. It was amazing."
My mom looked at me. She knew something was up.
"Go to the other house. I'm glad you're having fun, but there's a whole family of friends out there. They miss you."
She noticed something, but chose to ignore it.

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