Day 48

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I felt a body hit the bed beside me. I knew who it was before he even spoke.
"Hi Em, your friends are worried. I told them you love it when we talked. So let's... talk."
I moved for the first time in weeks.
"No. No. Fucking no. GET AWAY FROM ME! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I had lost my shit. I was tired of being his toy.
"HELP ME! HELP ME! SOMEONE FUCKING HELP ME!" I screamed. All I did was scream.
"Oh Em, they aren't even here. There's no one here. No one to hear you." Jasper whispered in my ear. I kicked him as hard as I could.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Then I bit him.
He was motionless on the bed, so I ran. I grabbed nothing but my phone and ran.
I dialed three numbers into my phone and ran.
"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" I was shaking and crying when the operator picked up.
"My name is Emily Kiing, I'm eighteen years old, I live at [insert address] and I've been raped."
"Okay Ms. Emily, we're sending someone your way soon."
The phone hung up.
"Oh Emmmmmm... I'm coming for you!" I screamed. Fucking stupid. Now he knows where I am.
"Emilyyyy, just come out, I won't hurt you."
I was in the kitchen. I stuffed myself into a cabinet and prayed. I heard footsteps coming towards me.
"Emilyyyyy!" I heard Jasper.
I let out a breath, and started crying.
"I said get on the ground."
I heard something hit the floor.
"Is there anyone else here? You can come out now." I pushed the cabinet door open and rolled out. (They see me rolling, they hatin)
"Are you Emily Kiing?" A man with blond hair asked me. I nodded.
"Is this the boy who raped you?" He asked.
He looked at Jasper. "What's your name and age?"
"Jasper Graser (I didn't realize how horrible his name was until right now. I'm so sorry.) and I'm seventeen years old."
They didn't say anything but the look on their faces told me something. I had to go to court. I was older than him, so if I was lying I'd be given the worst punishment, but if he was found guilty he'd be given a life sentence in a juvenile center.
They took Jasper and put him into the squad car.
"Ms. Kiing, we need to have a look at you. This is Lacy Collins, she's going to take you back and search you for marks. Then we need to take you to the doctor, and ask you a few questions. We're also going to have to call your parents, if you live with them." Everything come over me at once. I couldn't breath. I let out a loud scream and started sobbing.
"Ms. Kiing it's going to be okay." Lacy rubbed my back. I took a deep breath and she led me to a room in the back of our house.
"Emily, sweety, can you please take your clothes off for me. You can leave your underwear on, but I need to check you for marks." It hurt to move. That's why I hadn't moved in days. It hurt to take off my shirt. Mentally and physically.
I had scrape marks across my back, and cuts down my entire body from where I'd hurt myself. I had rope marks on my stomach.
I had hickeys along my thighs, and breasts. I had a thousand wounds way worse than the ones you could see.
"Ms. Emily, when was the first time you remember Mr. Graser (That is such a sad sentence for me) hurting you?" I thought about it. I thought about that day on the beach. We were drunk, so I couldn't remember everything, but I definitely remembered something.
"Um.. about two weeks ago. We were at the beach, we were drunk and tired. He asked me to have sex with him, and I told him no because it was technically illegal. He forced me to anyway. There weren't enough people around, no one noticed." I felt a tear slip down my face.
"Emily, you need to talk to your parents and then make a doctors appointment. I don't mean to overwhelm you but there could be a lot of things going wrong. You could be pregnant, or have a STD. You could be emotionally damaged, and I can tell by the self harm, that you most likely are. Sweety, you did the right thing, after a trial this boy is probably going to jail for a very long time."
My breath hitched.

EmilyBlogs: Bad things happen to good people, and you never find out why. Good people do bad things and you never find out why. When bad things happen to you it's different. When bad things happen to other people it's "Oh poor you. Are you okay?" But when bad things happen to you it's "Oh my god, pay attention to me. Look how fucked up I am." It's selfish. It's pitiful. When bad things happen it makes you dramatic. It makes you a hypochondriac. When bad things happen you wallow in sadness and pretend that you're never going to get better. When bad things happen to you, it's worse. When you're a good person, and something bad happens to you, by a good person, you'll never find out why.

Ayyyyyyyyyy! I wrote a chapter. Finally. Sorry for taking such a long break, buttttr
Everyday of this week I'm going to write a chapter, or try to.
Are you ok spring break? Let me know in the comments.
I'm out.
Update: SHOULD I START A NEW BOOK???? If so what should it be about????


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