*Episode 16

472 32 2

Ahana's pov (unedited)

I couldn't sleep. I've been thinking of all that happened a while back. My lips felt swollen. I raised my hand and touched them, and I felt the tingling sensation in my body. I started blushing without even realising it. The kiss was playing again and again in my head.

Shravan was sleeping right next to me, his hand tightly held me in place. I felt so safe and secure in his arms. I was staring at his face and my heart swelled with warmth and something else that I couldn't place my finger on.

I didn't know what was happening, but I knew that whatever my plan was, I couldn't execute it anymore. I just cannot leave him. Even the thought of leaving him is clenching my heart. I don't know how, but somehow he has broken my walls. I've really started to trust him. He has really become very special to me.

I cannot even think about my life without him anymore. I've become so used to living this life, that all this feels normal. Me being his wife feels so normal, like this is where I belong. This house, this family, his arms is where I belong.

I don't even remember when was the last time I was this happy. I'm truly happy. My life was so miserable a few months back, but now it's just filled with happiness. His family feels like my own now. I seriously cannot even think about leaving or hurting them.

And most of all, I cannot see Shravan hurt. I know if I execute my plan and leave him, he'll be devastated. He'll be hurt beyond repair, and I cannot bear that. I cannot see him hurt. He just means a lot to me.i cannot even think of hurting him.

I looked at him once again and decided that I'm going to tell him everything, everything from my past to my real motive of marrying him. I cannot hurt him, so I have to tell him everything. After listening to everything if he decides to leave me, I'll walk away from his life and never show my face again.

I have to do this. I have to do the right thing, even if it means he will leave me. I just had to do the right thing, I cannot keep on lying to him and his family. They'll hate me more than anything, and I cannot bear that. So I will tell them the truth, my real motives of marrying him.

So I decided the first thing in the morning, I'm telling him the truth about me.

With this thought I kept my head on his chest and slept.

I hope you understand, you've become my life now. I thought.


Something bright was pricking my eyes so groaning I covered my eyes. And unconsciously my mind diverted to a few topics. Shravan was the name that came to my mind, and a small smile started to creep on my lips. I suddenly remembered all that I decided at night and woke up with a jolt.

I have to tell him everything. No matter what! So determined I got off the bed and started looking for him, so that I can tell him to wait till I freshened up. But he was nowhere to be seen. Not in the kitchen, not in the drawing room, not in the bathroom nowhere. Shit! Where is he?!

I came and sat on the bed with a huff . Then a blink caught my attention, it was my mobile. I picked it up and checked to see a message from Shravan. Smiling I opened it.

Good morning sleepy head! :*
I'm really sorry I had to leave early, I totally forgot to tell you yesterday because 'something or someone' had my mind pretty occupied yesterday :P
I'll try to come early.
Missing you!
I love you baby.

I was smiling so big. I could feel butterflies in my belly. He is so sweet!
I'll just tell him everything when he comes back.

So I got up and started with my chores. First I cleaned myself, then the house as the maid was on a leave for a few days. Shravan was hell bend on hiring some other maid, but since I do nothing whole day so I decided to do all the household work myself.

Lunch was ready but I didn't feel hungry yet, so I decided to watch television for sometime. I checked my mobile and saw that there were 7 missed calls. God! Who is this?! And Why so many calls?! Is something wrong? Is Shravan okay?! All types of questions started to cloud my mind.

I decided to call back on the number and it started ringing. My hands were sweating as I waited for the person to receive the call. I was so nervous. I hope everything is alright. Finally after 5 rings the person picked up the call.

' Hey! Where are you? I tried calling you so many times! Are you okay? And we decided to meet, how did you forget? If you're trying to ignore me then it won't work! '

' Umm...who is this? '

' Grisha! How can you forget my voice!'

I sighed audibly. Thank God everything is okay. Shravan is okay.

' Oh hi! I'm really sorry Grisha. Actually your number wasn't saved, so I didn't...' I trailed off embarrassed.

' leave it! Tell me are you okay? And where were from so long? I really need you to tell me everything. I've been so worried. I..'

I cut her off, she was talking too much.

' Grisha! Grisha calm down. How about we meet somewhere, and I'll tell you everything? '

' No! No ways! I'm not taking any chances this time. We are meeting at either one of our houses. I'm not meeting you outside to give you a chance to make an excuse about not tell me about you! '

God! She really seems very worried.

' Okay...but I can't come anywhere. Shravan's driver is on a leave, so he took my driver with him.'

' Oh...then what do...Wait a minute!! Who's Shravan?! And why the hell has he taken your driver with him?! And when the hell did you get a driver?! '

My stopped breathing. Shit! How did this slip my mind? Grisha doesn't know anything about my life. Oh God! How can I be so stupid?!

' Well...talk! I'm waiting!!'

' Yeah. How about we talk about all this when we meet? Come to my house. I'll text you my address?'

'Okay...but I won't leave your back until you tell me everything! Do you understand?!'

' Yes ma'am!' I said chuckling.

' Okay then. Bye. See you soon. '

I cut the call. I don't know why I called her here? Should I tell her about everything? I missed her so much, and I trust her a lot too. So should I allow her in? I really feel like I should tell everything about me to all the people I care about.

I cannot lie about who I am. I should tell her everything, I know she'll understand. I hope she understands.

So I finally decided to tell my story to two people today. I hope everything goes fine.


Hey loves!

I'm really sorry I couldn't update from so long, but I've been really ill. I fell a little better now so I wrote a chapter for you people!

I hope you guys are not mad. Everything is just too much, first the new city, I'm all alone here. Then my college is pretty tough and then my health.

I'm really sorry again.

I hope you like this chapter!


Love Meghna 💋

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