*Episode 22

646 36 11

Ahana's pov (unedited)

I woke up with a bad headache and parched throat. My headache was so bad that I just sat on the bed holding my head between my hands. Ugh! My head was pounding. I pressed my fingers on my head to somehow try to reduce the pain. It didn't help. So I got up, went to the washroom and took out some pills  from the cabinets. I swallowed two pills and drank water from the tap.

I looked at myself in the mirror. For a moment my eyes burned because of the reflection of the lights on the mirror. Then it got better, and I looked at my state. I looked horrible. All my make-up was smeared. My liner and maskara was had smeared all over my eyes making me look like a zombie. I cringed looking at myself.

The heavy pounding of my head made it impossible to stand there for long. Somehow I managed to wash my face, trying to clean it. Then I  went back and slept again.

I woke up again after a few hours feeling much better. But now I was hungry. I got up and thought that I should take a bath first as I was smelling very bad. Removing my clothes I stepped into the shower, the warm water soothing my sore muscles.

I stood under the shower after cleaning myself thoroughly. Yesterday was a blur, I didn't remember much of it, but I feel so tired today. I feel as though I've cried a lot yesterday. I think the drinks were a bit too much. I wouldn't want to drink again.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around me and stepped out in the room. I was lazily looking for something to wear when my eyes landed on the clock and I saw that it was 10 o'clock! Oh my god!

I hurriedly got dressed and stepped out.

I roamed around the house looking for Shravan or his family. But I couldn't find anyone. Frowning I went inside the room again, and looked for my phone. I had a few messages. They were from Shravan's family, saying that they're leaving and they did not want to disturb my sleep. And giving me their blessings. I sighed. How stupid of me!

I just sat there thinking about my life. And I started to recall a few things from yesterday. I remember seeing Shravan. Was that a dream or I really saw him there? I panicked a little thinking about what happened yesterday? Did something happen? Did he really come? And if so, then why did he? His indifferent nature has started to make me feel like he doesn't care anymore. So why?

The growling of my stomach reminded me that I needed to eat something. So I got up ignoring the pain in my chest and brushing off my tears.

Yesterday was good. But now I'm back to my old self. The pain, numbness, disappointment, everything was back, making me feel tired. Is this ever going to go away?

The day went by, and it was already 11 at night. I didn't eat anything. I was sitting on the sofa reading a random article to pass my time.

I heard the doorbell ring and I got alarmed. Who is it this late? Shravan has keys so he'd not ring the bell.

I cautiously got up and went towards the door. I looked through the peephole but it was dark, someone had kept their hand on it. Gulping, I stepped back a little and opened the door. And to my utter shock, it was Shravan! I had seen him come home early in days.

I just kept staring at him. I was soo happy to see him back home early, not too early, but at least a before I slept. A small smile started to form on my mouth.

He just stood there blinking. I then looked at him properly and saw the condition he was in. Hairs messed up, his tie hanging loose, his eyes were red and puffy, his jacket was missing. He looked exhausted. Last time he  looked tired but now he looks exhausted. What happened?!

A sloppy smile formed on his lips and stumbling he came in and hugged me closing the door behind him, taking me by surprise. That is when I realized he was drunk. I stiffened. No!

All the past memories came back to me. All the things he used to do to me when he was drunk. His mouth used to reek of alcohol. That was the smell he constantly had whenever he was near me.

I started shivering. I tried to push Shravan away but his hold was too tight.


"I missed you"

He said, but was sounding slurry. I just wanted to get away. All this is too much. He pulled his head back and tried to kiss me but I moved my head away. I couldn't control my tears, they were flowing freely. All this is bringing back those memories.

He again tried to kiss me, this time forcefully.

"Sh-shravan please!" I said desperately trying to push him away.

"Why? You always say you love me. So now kiss me."

And he held me so tight and tried to kiss me again. His hold was painful. He is forcing himself on me. God! I was continuously trying to push him away.

"Shravan no!" I somehow said between my struggles.

He stopped, stepped back a little. I thought he gave up but before i can even breath he  bent a little and put his hand below my knees and the other hand behind my shoulder and lifted me up. I squealed.

"Shravan!" He walked to the bedroom and dropped me on the bed and went back and latched the door.

I couldn't see properly, my vision was blurry and I was shaking due to fear.

He came back and pulled me to him roughly. He started kissing my check and neck, wherever he could reach. His hold was so tight, I couldn't move.

"Shravan no please no" I said while crying. But the alcohol had gotten the best of him. He pulled back and got hold of my face with his one hand. He held my face so tightly that it pained.

"Why?! Don't you love me? Huh?! You are the one who said you love me. So now give me what I want. I will make you mine today no matter what you do or say."

And with that he pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me.

"Shravan please" I somehow screamed desperately trying to push him. But he got hold of my hands and pinned them on top of my head with one hand and started touching me everywhere with another. I froze. All of this is exactly what happened to me in the past.

I couldn't move or even make a sound. Breathing had also become difficult. My tears were flowing continuously but I couldn't even blink. I became numb. I wanted all this to get over soon. I didn't want to go through it, I just want to die. My head started paining and it got heavy. Darkness covered my eyes, I couldn't see anything. And slowly I drifted off into unconsciousness.


Hey loves!

So how was the chapter? Did you like it?

And I also feel like my writing is improving with time (slowly but steadily), what do you'll think?
Chapter in the start had a lot of grammatical mistakes and even it wasn't that well written, and I feel I've improved a little.

Please let me know if you think the same. It will really help me with!


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