*Episode 21

411 24 9

Shravan's pov( unedited)

I stood in front of her completely frozen. She looked beautiful in that black dress. My eyes roamed through her body, taking in her appearance. My eyes fell on her lips. And I felt this sudden urge to grab her and kiss her.

"Shravan!" She said excitement clear in her voice and a big grin on her face. I could see her glassy eyes. She's clearly very drunk. I saw two bottles in front of her and the third one was in my hands that I pulled away from her. I sighed. Tammy and Khushi are so getting in trouble for this! I clenched my jaw.

I looked at her and all the emotions came back, anger, need, want, disappointment, love, everything. Mostly I was angry at her at the moment. How could she be so careless! She's drunk, she has never had even a single drink before, in her life, and now she's two and a half bottle down. What if something was to happen to her?! Who could I have protected her!? She didn't even tell me where she was going! I was so angry at her.

I kept the bottle on the table and without saying anything caught hold of her hand. She shivered under my touch and I too felt a weird sensation after touching her. I gulped and started walking pulling her with me. On my way out I messaged Khushi that I took Ahana with me, ignoring Ahana's continuous protests that she wanted to stay longer. Her tongue slurred showing just how much she really needs to go home.

We were out of the exit when she suddenly pulled her hand out of my grip harshly. I turned around concerned but then stiffened. Her eyes were red and filled with unshed tears.

"Why?! Why are you doing this to me?! You don't even talk to me, don't even look at me! What happened?! Tell me! I can't take this anymore! What is wrong with you?! Is something wrong with me?" She said the last part in a whisper . And a tear slipped through her eyes. My heart clenched and I just wanted to reach out and pull her in my arms. But then I stopped myself.

"Shravan please. I'm really sorry for whatever I did. Please forgive me, please. I can't live without you. Please." She was whispering and looking at me with pleading eyes which were red and filled with tears.

My heart squeezed more painfully. I clenched my jaw again because I felt tears at the corner of my eyes too. Deciding to ignore my emotions, I got hold of her hand again and started walking towards the car.

"Why are you behaving like this?"

She was trying to pull out of my grip but I didn't let go and kept on walking.

"Why? Tell me please." She was talking slowly giving up on pulling her hand away.

I was furious as I remembered the reason why I'm ignoring her. I turned around abruptly and all I could think was about what she did.

"You want to know why?! You want to know fucking why I am ignoring you?! That's because I know everything! I know how you don't love me, how you used me for money, I know everything!" I shouted at her. I couldn't control it anymore. I was fuming.

She froze. Her eyes went wide.

"Y-you what?" She whispered as tears started pooling in her eyes.

"Yes! I know every damn thing! How you don't love me, how you used me. You broke my trust. I loved you. I fucking loved you! I gave you everything, and this is what you do?!" I was so beyond angry, but I sounded more broken than angry. Tears started pooling in my own eyes and I turned my face away from hers, I couldn't look at her anymore.

She gasped audibly. I heard a small sound and then felt her touch my arm.

"Sh-shravan.... I.." I jerked her hand away.

"I-I am so-sorry. Le-let me explain..." She was whispering.

Then as if her drunk state took over her, she grabbed my hand and turned me towards her. I was shocked.

"Let me explain..." She said stubbornly, her glassy eyes showed that the alcohol was still there in her system.

But I cut her off "I don't want to hear anything." I said anger filled in my voice, sternly and moved away from her hold.

"Why?! I have to explain, you don't know anything! I'm sorry, please look at me, talk to me!" She desperately tried to get hold of me but I didn't let her. She was so drunk!

I sighed and pulled my hair slightly due to frustration. She's drunk, I shouldn't be doing all this right now. I grabbed her hand roughly and started pulling her towards the car without turning or listening to what she was saying.

"Why won't you let me explain?!" She cried out.

We reached the car and she stood there staring at me.

"Why?" She asked again. I didn't know what to say, she was so drunk. I picked her up and placed her in my car, in the passenger seat. I was so damn angry and frustrated at the moment.

I was buckling her seatbelt when she suddenly took hold of my collar and pulled me towards her, taking me off guard and tried to kiss me on my lips. I was shocked for a moment but then I grabbed both her hands and placed them on her lap. Then I went to my side, settled on my seat and started driving away. She was staring at me all the way. She had stopped crying.

I sighed. Thank God I picked up her call without noticing the caller ID. Otherwise she would definitely have gotten herself into some mess.

When we reached home I tried to pick her up but she protested saying she would walk on her own. She walked two steps and stumbled on her feet. Without wasting a second I picked her up and started walking inside.

"Put me down, I can walk!" she wiggled in my arms but I only tightened my hold on her. Her fragrance hit my nostrils reminding me just how much I missed her.

"Why are you doing this to me? I said I'm sorry." She said like a small kid once we were inside and on our way to the room. She kept her head on my shoulder getting comfortable in my arms. I just clenched my jaw not wanting to say anything and enjoying her warmth after a long time.

I placed her on the bed and was going to get her some clothes to wear, but she pulled me hard and I fell on top of her. I wonder how can alcohol make someone so bold. She just stared into my eyes with her big beautiful once for some time then closed her eyes slowly fluttering them. I was just staring at her, happy to see her after so long.

"Don't do this to me, I'm sorry I broke your trust but give me a chance to explain myself please, just one chance" opening her eyes she stated in a slurry tone. I felt pain in my chest remembering the bitter truth. She didn't love me, she just used me.

She closed her eyes and turned around to sleep comfortably.


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