The Toy's Rise

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*???'s POV* I puff my cigar "Toy Bon you have news I hear" 

*Toy Bonnie's POV* "y...yes sir we have g...guests" 

*???'s POV* I step into the light slowly "well lets go meet these newcomers" 

*Toy Bonnie's POV* "w..well that's the thing two of them are huddled together they have golden rings on their fingers 

*???'s POV* " I guess the CockHeaded management decided to fuck with a couple huh?" I puff my cigar again "well go approach them and tell them we mean no harm" 

*Toy Bonnie's POV* "y...yes sir" I walk to the parts and service before I take step further I run into chica "OOF" I get up helping her up "are you ok chica?" she nods 

*Toy Chica's POV* "ohmygodbonniedidyouhearthenewstheresanewcoupleinthebuildingtheyaresocyuttte" 

*Toy Bonnie's POV* "whoa WHOA calm down chica geez" I laugh "I think you should lay off the soda ever since you tried it you have been like this now tell me again but slower" 

*Toy Chica's POV* I walk off not hearing him "ok bye Bonnie" 

*Toy Bonnie's POV* I face palmed so hard "ok....bye" I head off again then I feel something touch my ears "what?" I look around then I fall to the ground "ugh seriously mangle?!" I get up dust myself off 

*Mangle's POV* oh...s...s..sor...sorry...I..I...I...c...can't-" then I make an awful sound that makes Toy Bonnie jump 

*Toy Bonnie's POV* "poor fox" I walk away sadly "the poor fox was beaten and used for child amusement soon they neglected to work on him....her? i have no idea anymore rumors were mangle was a trans but thats only a rumor" I finally reach the metal door and peek through it "hello? is anyone in there?" 

*???'s POV* "I think it might be time soon the evil shall rise and the light shall shine through the dark" I puff my cigar more "and judging by how nervous toy bonnie was these are going to be troublemakers" I finally walk out all the way into the light 

"out with the old in with the new....."

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