Puppet's Nightmare VS Toy Freddy

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*Toy Freddy's POV* I walk to the generator and turn on the lights then I dim them "Well today is another day" I walk to the backroom and I look straight at two gleaming eyes "Who the hell?...AHHH!" the room around me suddenly grows dark throwing me against the wall and slamming me down "ughh" 

*???'s POV* I look dead center at Toy Freddy "Why hello there T-Fred...how has everything been?" 

*Toy Freddy's POV* I grab the crowbar laying next to me and charge at the shadow I swing at it and then the light flickers behind me 

*???'s POV* "Tsk....Tsk...Tsk how rude of you to treat an old friend....a REALLY old friend" 

*Toy Freddy's POV* "I banished you out of my heart years ago" 

*???'s POV* I have been pulling the strings here the darkness will soon be here and everyone you love will be in danger.....you can't stop me.....or better yet" I walk out of the shadows as a small light beams down on me "Hehehehe this is.....amusing to say the least

*Toy Freddy's POV* I step back "I knew it...Nightmare Toy Freddy" 

*N-Toy Freddy's POV* "HahahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHAAAHHHAAHHAAA" I run at Toy Freddy and I punch him full force against the wall "This is the end" 

*Toy Freddy's POV* I get up and leap over N-Toy Freddy dodging another one of his punches "You nightmare's have always been the weak type huh?" I throw my crowbar at N-Toy Freddy's face hitting him directly and kicking him back "Your just a dream...." 

*N-Toy Freddy's POV* "Heh...never....Never....NEVER!...NeVeR!" I grab Toy Freddy by the throat and slam him down "YOU WILL NEVER ESCAPE THIS NEVER!!!" 

*Toy Freddy's POV* "That's where your wrong" I kick over a nearby drum of oil and watch it leak around the the nightmare "brucia in un mostro da incubo" I throw my cigar and watch the flames ignite around the nightmare 


*Toy Freddy's POV* I watch the world around me distort "This *huff* is *huff* the *huff* end of you" 

*Golden Freddy's POV* I fall to the ground while walking "What the?" I stand up "Darkness.....theres a strong dark energy here" I rush to the source of the energy and stand seeing a dark purple orb surrounding the entire backroom "what the hell?" I punch the orb and get blasted backwards "AHAAAaaa" I fall to the ground in pain and I get up "Hmmm so....there has to be another way to break through it" I gather light energy around my paws and focus it "time to break this son of ah hecker down" I blast the orb shattering it briefly as the orb starts to form back together "Shoot!" I dive in and instantly I am trapped in smoke 

*Toy Freddy's POV* I stumble through the darkness away from the burning monster "H.. *cough cough* help...p" I fall to the ground "Pl.. *cough* *cough* pl.."  I fall down onto my shoulder the fire burning my arm "AHHHGGGaahh" I cried so much scared for my life 

*Golden Freddy's POV* I look in the distance and see Toy Freddy his arm bleeding red "oh mah gawd" I run to Toy Freddy's side and pick him up "Don't worry your big brother is here" I look down at him and at the dark wall encasing us I raise my paw and blast through the wall again running through and jumping out at the last second "Lil bro are you ok?" 

*Toy Freddy's POV* "I'm fine..." I get up and feel the burn sting more "AH!" I almost fall down before catching myself "I....don't need help...gold" 

*Golden Freddy's POV* I walk up to him "Yall always were the stubborn one let me he-" 

*Toy Freddy POV* I grab Gold's paw and glare at him "I told you brother I don't need it" I growl and walk away 

*Golden Freddy's POV* I look over at where the purple orb had been "Nightmares.....why out of all things did a Nightmare attack us?" I walk slowly over to where everything had gone down "It had to be because of the puppet it HAD to be... 

-To Be Continued- 

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