Bonnie's Change (Yes This Does Contain A Lemon)

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*Freddy's POV* "Ummmm why....just....just what?" I looked at Bonnie and up at Gold "I don't get this sorry but I do not get it one bit" I grab Bonnie who is whimpering and looking at me shaking 

*Golden Freddy's POV* "I guess we have a Baby Bunny to take care of now" 

*Freddy's POV* "I get that but how did this happen?" 

*Golden Freddy's POV* "Well I saw Mike running away he told me that Bonnie told him to run away and while he ran they were fighting and that Bunny beat up Bonnie and used some sorcery to transform him and well I don't wanna be that person but you MIGHT wanna check to make sure Bonnie is still a he" 

*Freddy's POV* I roll my eyes "Not even a robot could just use a spell to change a gender Goldie" I laugh at his comment 

*Golden Freddy's POV* I roll my eyes and grab Bonnie then I turn him on his back and look between his legs "Yeah...Lil bro about your laughter hold it for a bit because-" I show Freddy Between Bonnie's legs where is cock had been there was a pink slit in him instead "you were saying?" 

*Freddy's POV* I feel a twinge of embarrassment and anger " fucked up why is his chest the same yet his reproductive organs have been changed?" 

*Golden Freddy's POV* "Well good news I can change him back but he will still be female until I figure out a stronger spell" 

*Freddy's POV* "Ok just change him back and start figuring it out ok?" 

*Golden Freddy's POV* "Ok" I concentrate and transform Bonnie back to his 20 year old self but as soon as he did that he ran away crying "Well Fuck" I look at Freddy "Go after him me and Toy Freddy will be waiting for you both then we can hit the road and don't worry about that pile of junk attacking again he is gonna be like that for about maybe 30 years" 

*Freddy's POV* I run after Bonnie and grab his paw as I did that we both fell onto the floor we were in a dark room so we used our night vision to see each other "Bonnie don't cry I love you just the way you are hun" I wipe the tears off his face "I don't care what gender you are" 

*Bonnie's POV* I stop crying and hug Freddy "Yeah thanks Fred" I kissed him and feel something poke at me I blushed hard "Well I guess maybe I can make it up to you" 

*Freddy's POV* I blushed knowing what he meant But Bon your not a male anymore it won't be pleasurable to you

*Bonnie's POV* I smile "So?....I still want my Freddy Bear with me" I put my paw on Freddy's cock and start to stroke it 

*Freddy's POV* I close my eyes and moan "gawwddd your tongue is so wet and warm" I keep moaning and feel myself pre cum

*Bonnie's POV* I go deeper letting Freddy feel all of him in me I swirl my tongue around Freddy's shaft and up to his tip savoring his sweet pre cum in me I then feel a paw touch my new pussy he starts to rub around it then inserting a claw It felt weird but so good I went deeper and soon I feel his paws shove me down all the way on him as I drink all of his salty cum"MMGgggggg" I loved it so much 

*Freddy's POV* I breathe hard and let Bonnie breathe as well "Sorry Bon" 

*Bonnie's POV* I was officially in heat "Well you can do something to make it up to me" I knew we were both in lust so I Kiss him battling my tongue against his he ended up winning 

*Freddy's POV* I knew what he wanted but I didn't know if I could do that to him but at the same time its what he wants and I feel my penis wanting it to "Alright bitch get down on the bed and spread em ;)" 

*Bonnie's POV* I smiled "yes daddy" I lay down and open my legs I then feel his tongue slide up and down my pussy "ohhhh daddyyyy yessss eat me take me all in ohhhhhhh please fuck me please...I need it so badly" 

*Freddy's POV* I nodded and slowly entered Bonnie's pussy this had a different feel to was more wet and tight "Goooooodddd boyyyyyy goooooddd boooyyyyyyy" I stroke Bonnie's ear and without warning I smack his ass and nip his neck 

*Bonnie's POV* He felt so big and his punishment towards me was so good "yeaahhh spank me daddy fuck me I love being your prey" I soon feel his pre inside of me I blushed more 

*Freddy's POV* I thrust more and more soon slapping my hips against his ass fucking him harder and harder "Bon....I....I'm G....Gonna.....Gon AHHH" I finally release I felt all of my cum come out of my tip and into Bonnie "yeaaaahhhh" I pull myself out of Bonnie

*Bonnie's POV* I kissed Freddy again we were both sweating "That was the best Freddy" I get up and he pulls me into his arms scooping me up and carrying me away "I love you Freddy" 

*Freddy's POV* "I love you to" we soon get back to where Toy Freddy and Golden Freddy are "Hey guys we ready to leave?" 

*Golden Freddy's POV* I smile "You sure look like you had fun with your husband" I laugh at Freddy's blushing face and then look at Bonnie blasting him with my yellow light "Welcome back to the male life Bon" 

*Bonnie's POV* I smile and hug Gold "Thank you so much" then I walk back over to Freddy and all 5 of us walk to the truck soon returning to the location we all happily reunited and the day ended I fell asleep next to my love and everything was great again 

-To Be Continued- 

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