The Rescue And Purple Guy's Demise

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*Toy Freddy's POV* I wake up and see Purple guy standing in the distance his shadow covering over me making sure his presence was made "YOU BITCH GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I squirm around hoping to free myself out of the ropes but these ropes were different and stronger and tighter around me 

*Purple Guy's POV* "heh tsk tsk tsk wanting to leave me so soon?" I walk up to Toy Freddy and angrily punch him across the face "So I heard the song you sang to the marionette quite a beautiful yet sorrowful song no?" 


*Purple Guy's POV* "oh...really? I am the monster? or if I remember correctly It was YOUR BROTHER WHO KILLED MY SON!!" I slap him hard across the face 

*Toy Freddy's POV* "My brother is innocent it was the bullies who shoved your son in my brothers mouth" I finally manage to free myself with my claw "and also" my eyes turn red again "DON'T ACCUSE MY BROTHER ASSHOLE" I punch forward throwing him against the wall and slamming him down 

*Purple Guy's POV* I get up and swing my knife at him cutting his face "It's just you and me no one will save you this time so come on then!" I charge at Toy Freddy before feeling the air leave my body 

*Toy Freddy's POV* I kicked Purple Guy before he could get me again "alone...not alone it doesn't matter either way this is the last place you will see" I punch purple guy and he charges at me again but I flip over him and kick him hard in the back "Now that was easy" 

-Meanwhile On The Stage- 

*Toy Bonnie's POV* "Hey has anyone seen Toy Freddy? he's been gone for to long do you think something happened?" 

*Bonnie's POV* "Listen T-Bone I don't know but I think we SHOULD go just to be sure" 

*Freddy's POV* "Ok so let's go" me chica Foxy Bonnie and T-Bone all got up and walked to where Toy Freddy was being tracked by the heat monitors "The hell? there's just a wall here"  

*Toy Bonnie's POV* "Silly bear watch this" I kick as hard as possible at the wall making it open slowly and the first thing we all see is my love fighting that Purple murderer  "Honey Bear!" 

*Purple Guy's POV* I charge at Toy Freddy finally wounding him badly then I set my sights on Bonnie and charge at him "DIE YOU COWARD!" I almost reach him but I get shoved to the ground I then kick Freddy off of me and run away 

*Toy Freddy's POV* I weakly get up "Don't focus on healing me we can't let that son of a bitch get away" I limp after him with Freddy Chica Foxy and Bonnie and T-Bone 

*Chica's POV* I follow and notice a Golden suit just sitting there "Hey guys look at this" I get closer to examine the animatronic 

*Foxy's POV* I feel something "CHICA NO!" I grab chica and pull her back just in time before the giant hand grabs her wing "that was close lass" 

*Purple Guy's POV* "Hahahahaha!!! FEAR ME BOW DOWN TO ME I AM A GOD!" I stand up and step closer before I hear a metal groaning "The hell?" then all at once I feel something sharp attack me from everywhere blood I then feel something stab throw my stomach then I feel something get drilled through my teeth and my mouth was then nearly closed "AHGGGGAAAGGGG H...HELP!!! HELP MEEEE AHGGGGGAGGAAGGGGG" I fall down drowning in tears and everything goes blurry "" then everything turns white 

*Freddy's POV* I cover Bonnie's eyes the whole time and foxy does the same for chica "Well I guess.....that's he-?

*Toy Freddy's POV* I walk up and kick the corpse "Yes...indeed he's over for him...he's finished.." I laugh "how freakin ironic" I turn to my friends my family "he's gone now lets walk away and keep this place closed till it rots "we all turn and walk away from what we just witnessed 

To Be Continued....

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