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Gayeon's POV

I got to school the following day with puffy eyes since I got mad at the jerk who decides to hurt my poor soul.

When I got to my desk, I found a bottle of milk on my desk but there's no one around.

Suddenly, someone walked into the class and passed me a little yellow note and she exited the class as if nothing happened.

I took a look at the note,

Hey Gayeon,

By the time you see this, I would probably have drank the other bottle of milk but the only difference is that, we drank it in different countries.

I left the milk on your desk yesterday after school ended, since my plane is 5 in the morning so I couldn't reach school in time.

I'm really sorry for everything that i've done, it hurt you really bad and i'm sincerely sorry about that fact. I shouldn't have listened to Minah and decides to hurt you because i'm blinded by love.

I don't ask for your forgiveness but I hope that you would lead a happy life without me. Find someone who you will spend the rest of your life with and i'm sorry I couldn't be there when you need me most.

I will always remember you, now and forever.

Though our memories together are rather short but I do appreciate all of it. I see it Gayeon, you are a really nice girl and no guy should ever break your heart just like i've did and I've regretted it all.

Friends ?

:) I hope we are.

Bye friend, let's meet again soon.

- Guanlin

Without knowing, a tear rolled down my cheeks and fell onto the paper which soaked a part of the note. Even though Guanlin might have hurt me in the past, I still can't stop loving him.

Knowing that he's no longer in Korea, it makes me sad and unable to move on from him.

I just want to see him one last time.

I don't know when will we ever meet again but I hope it would be soon because I flipping miss his scent, his face, everything.

Because of Guanlin, I grew to be a more carefree person. He might have hurt me indeed, but he helped me grow unknowingly too.

It's my first time liking a guy and I know, I've said that I regretted having him as a my first love but actually now that I think back, I don't.

My heart started aching, I missed him so much.

Lai Guanlin, please come back.

Guanlin's POV

" Ready ? " I nodded as my family and I entered the departure hall as we waited for the plane to arrive and for us to board it.

I'm flying back to Taiwan for real today, leaving all the bad memories behind.

I left a bottle of milk on Gayeon's desk yesterday so she have something to fill her stomach in the morning since she always skips her breakfast without fail.

Thinking back on those memories in Korea, I'm definitely going to miss this place. I might not be a Korean but I felt a sense of belonging somehow.

My sister started staring at me intensively, " Are you okay ? You seemed rather, sad. " She said and I looked at her in confusion.

Sad ?

" What do you mean ? " I asked.

" You're thinking about something right ? You don't look happy about it, you looked like you are heartbroken or some sort. " She said.

I sighed, I'm not heartbroken. I don't even have any feelings for Gayeon, I just felt like it's such a pity. If only I wasn't so blind to follow whatever Minah instructed me to like a fool.

My last wish here in Korea is for Gayeon to be happy all her life, without me of course.

I don't know when will I ever be back in Korea again if I hope it would be real soon.

" Guanlin, it's time to board the plane. " My dad said as I nodded and we got onto the plane. I looked out of the window to see the sky looking so blue today.

I smiled slightly and the plane started to take off, I looked out of the window one last time to take a glimpse at the bird eye view of how Seoul looks like from afar.

After a few hours, we've landed in Taipei again.

It felt good that i'm home but I felt like I was lacking a little something but it's just an unknown thing. Perhaps I've forgotten to bring something along with me.

When we are in the car, on our way back to our home, I plugged in my earphones and started putting my playlist on shuffle mode.

Suddenly a song started playing, Hug me.

This song made me think of Gayeon, I don't know why but the lyrics just touched me so much.

My sister tapped me on my shoulder slightly and I turned to look at her, " Guanlin, you're upset over something aren't you ? Or is something on your mind ? " I shook my head.

She chuckled, " I'm your sister for such a long time, do you think i'm dumb not to realise how upset you seemed ? " I looked down at my fingers.

She placed her hand on my back, " What's up ? You can share it with me. " I looked at her worriedly, not knowing what should I say or how should I even phrase it.

When we got back to our house, I brought her to my room and told her everything.

" Wait, so you told Ziyu everything and not to your own biological sister who stayed with you for all your life ?! " Her eyes widened and I tried calming her down.

When she've finally chill, " You know what ? I think you like her. Or else, why would you be so worried about her ? "

" I'm just worried because I did something bad to her before. " She scoffed as she popped a piece of biscuit into her mouth.

" Do I look crazy to you ? I know you're not saying the truth Lai. " She said.

My eyes widened, it's at that moment that I realised what I left behind in Korea.

It's my heart.

19th Jan 2018

This chapter sucks as usual but it's a really quick one, I wrote this in less than 30 mins so it isn't that good but i'll try to write better ones.

I just wanted to update this book since it has been a long time since i've last updated. I'm sick these past few days, caught up with fever, cough, flu, sore throat, headache, you name it.

Also, i'm extremely busy in school these days so that's why i'm not updating much.

Hope you guys can understand :)

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