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Gayeon's POV

" Dude ! What the hell ?! " I screamed as I jumped onto my bed after seeing a cockroach on the floor, but realising it's a god damn fake cockroach.

He laughed as he sat on my bed, holding the fake cockroach that I want to throw out of the window so bad in his hand.

" Scared of this ? " He asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

" I'm totally not scared of a cockroach and that's why I screamed ! " I said in a cheerful tone and he burst into laughter.

The doorbell rang and I went down to get it, when I opened the door, my eyes widened.

" Lai Guanlin ? " He smiled slightly as he passed me a box of i don't know what is in it. He was about to turn around when I called out to him.

" Dude, you're working as a delivery man ? " He nodded slightly and I nodded.

I smiled as I gave him a cup of water to hydrate himself, I didn't want him to pass out due to dehydration so, yeah.

He smiled, " Thanks man ! It helps a lot ! " He said as he passed the cup back to me.

He looked at his watch, " Darn it ! I got to go, another delivery for me to deliver. " He said as he sighed.

I laughed, " All the best dude ! " He chuckled as he walked to the delivery car and drove off.

I walked up to my room to see Jaemin sitting on my bed with my soft toy in his hand. I ran to him and snatched away my precious toy from him.

" Sharing is caring. " He said with a pout and I shook my head. He stood up, which practically means i'm facing his chest.

He hugged me, " Since you don't want to let me hug your soft toy, I can only resort to hugging you now then. " I smiled secretly.

" Gayeon you Byuntae ! " He screamed and I shook my head while laughing really hard.

Jaemin and I have been dating for slightly over a year now, Guanlin and I didn't get back together but we are still on good terms.

I met Jaemin at my new school and trust me, he is the funniest, happiest but yet, can be the most emo guy i've ever met.

I used to think that my life only revolve around Guanlin but I guess I was wrong. I found someone who would cherish me as if i'm the last pearl in the world.

Jaemin might not be the perfect person, but yet he is able to make me feel really secure and safe in his arms. He makes me feel loved and cared for.

He makes me feel as if this relationship isn't all just about to sake of dating, but for the sake of us. He makes me feel like I just became a princess and he is my prince.

Our relationship might not be the cutest but to me, it is one that makes me feel like I don't have to act a certain way for him to like me more. I can be myself and that's what makes it the perfect relationship to me.

I'm thankful for his time, he knew about Guanlin and he knew how much i've suffered. I'm extremely thankful that he is by my side, helping me get over my crisis period.

" Kim Gayeon, you're really weird. I mean, who keeps a fridge in the room ? " He asked as he opened the fridge and took a can of soda out.

I smiled, " That's not weird. That's just being smart about things. " He rolled his eyes but soon, burst into laughter.

He hugged me, " I love yo- " And that dude decides to place the cold soda on my neck which makes me flinched.

He laughed and let me just say, Karma is round.

His toe decides to mate with the leg of my bed and he fell onto my bed with his toe hurting like mad. I laughed so hard that tears were flowing down my cheeks.

He winced in pain, " Dude ! "

Jaemin stood up and dragged me on to the bed as well. He trapped me between his arms but soon burst into laughter.

" I wanted to try doing it the drama way but I realised, I can't because of how funny you looked. " I rolled my eyes as I sat at a corner.

He realised how the atmosphere became tensed and he walked to me, back hugging me.

He smiled, " Don't be angry anymore. I'm sorry okay ? No matter how funny you look, I will still love you for who you truly are because that's what made me fall for you. "

I turned around to face the smiling him, tears started rolling down my cheeks as I hugged him tightly.

" Stop making me cry ! " I said as I bawled my eyes out while clinging onto him like a koala bear.

He ruffled my hair playfully, " I didn't make you cry, by your bed's leg made me cry. " I started laughing while crying at the same time.

He wiped my tears, " I know Guanlin might have hurt you but dude, I wouldn't do the same. Moreover, Guanlin have changed and he became a better person. " I nodded.

" I've forgiven him a year ago. " I said and he smiled.

He pinched my cheeks, " What did I do to deserve such a kind bunny ? " He smiled while I stared at him with a release me or you'll die face.

" Guanlin have his own life now too. I mean he is indeed dating Joo now right ? " I said and he nodded.

I smiled slightly, " I guess life sure is unpredictable. No one would have suspected your ex girlfriend to date my ex boyfriend. "

Both of us burst into laughter even though we are still slightly salty about it but we got over it people.

Every meal I've had with Jaemin is always so delicious, not because both of us are sadly enough to season the food but it's more like, because there's love in the air.

Okay I've failed.

But I just want everyone of you to know that the man or woman you love now might not be your Mr Right or Mrs Right. So don't get too upset if it ends, because trust me, you'll find someone better and he or she will too.

Everyone have their own happy ending and it is unpredictable just like my love for Jaemin.

I wish all of you happiness.

Thank you for reading my story.

27th Feb 2018

This chapter sucks but oh well, it's the last chapter :)

there's also no extra chapters because I'm starting on a new Guanlin's story which is basically about him being a swimmer and it's a story between a swimmer and a fortune teller.

Please read it too !!

Thank you for reading this book even though the updates are really slow !!

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