Episode 2

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    "Schmidt?" I asked seeing the face of my ex-boyfriend's best friend since college.  

    "Kim? You have a child? She's cute." He said poking her little belly causing her to giggle.   

   "Thank you," I said smiling as he played with my daughter 

   "Whats her name?" He asked

    "Olivia. She's 4 Months."

   "Whoa. I didn't know you had a new boyfriend" He said giving me his attention.

  " I don't." 

"Then who is her dad. Nick?" He said laughing. My face froze

"Wait is Nick her Dad," He asked. I shook my head. His eyes went wide 

"You had a child by Nick Miller. Are you crazy?" He started whisper yelling. 

"It wasn't my choice but I don't regret my child even if he dad is a cheater," I said whisper yelling back.

His phone vibrated in his pocket he pulled it out and looked at it. 

"Hey look. I have to go but here is my number. Call me if you ever need anything. I won't tell Nick that is your job but I will help you with Olivia if you need any help." He gave me his number and gave me a hug and walked off. 

I thought to myself really and continued to find my foundation. I picked it up and walked to check out. 

Back at home, it was pretty quiet after I ate and feed Olivia she fell asleep. I was watching TV when I got a text from my babysitter saying she had to attend a family event tomorrow and couldn't babysit while I was at work. I live across the county from my family back in Virginia so I had no one else to keep her. Just so happened Schmidt gave me his number earlier. 

I looked up his name and pushed the call bottom. 

     I woke up the next morning at 6 am to get ready for work. Being a teacher means waking up early. Working a full time with a 4-month-old is hard. She doesn't really do much but when they are really young like that its hard to leave them. I trust Schmidt but Olivia doesn't really know him so I'm not sure how it will go with him watching her. 

    I hopped in the shower to start off my day. I only had time to take a 10 minute shower because instead of Sarah, my normal babysitter being here and knowing where everything was I had to put everything in the Kitchen and make sure I had everything written down, like my number, the school's number, her doctors number, what time she eats, how to make her bottle, and how to get to the school in case of an emergency. 

     After I finished getting dressed in my black tights, Light blue flowy dress and light blue flats I went to wake up Olivia. I was about 6:45 now. I had already got everything ready for Schmidt and written everything down. Now I had to change Olivia and fed her before Schmidt her. I have to leave at 7 to get there by 7:20 because I have a before class meeting . 

   I finished feeding Olivia and she falls back to sleep like she does every morning. I took her back upstairs and laid her in her crib. I ran back stairs when I heard the doorbell ring. 

  "Schmidt. Thank God. Everything you need is in the kitchen. Everything you need to know is on a piece of paper in the kitchen. She is upstairs sleeping her room is the first one o the right. I Have to get going so I won't be late for work. Thank you so much for this. Call me if you need anything at all. My planning period is from 10 to 11:35 I don't know why you would care. Ok, I really have to go. Bye Schmidt." I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek

   "Bye Kim. Have a good day at work" 

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