Episode 4

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  Schmidt just left and I wasn't quite sure what just happened. We kissed but I don't know what that means. It could have been a friendly kiss or a goodbye kiss or an 'I want you kiss'. I shook it off and walked upstairs to change into my pajamas. I was going to take a shower but after that, my brain isn't working right. I never thought that Schmidt had a thing for me. Maybe he doesn't and I'm just reading to much into this but why would he just kiss me if he doesn't like me. Do I like Schmidt? Of course, i don't like him it's Schmidt. The same dude that bought a $20 salad.The same guy who has a record of being a d-bag.  I can't like Schmidt but if i did would it be such a bag thing? (Picture of Schmidt above)

   I was interrupted in my thoughts by Olivia crying. I went to go get my beautiful baby girl out of her room and took her to the kitchen to make her a bottle. As I feed my baby I looked down as she sucked the milk out of the bottle. 

" How do you feel about Schmidt?" I asked Olivia knowing she couldn't talk. She just looked up at me as if she was saying I'm just trying to eat.

  I did a little laugh and continued to feed Olivia. After I finished feeding her I burped her and took her back upstairs to get her ready for bed.I was about 6 now and I wanted to cook dinner before I went to sleep. I put Olivia in her swing and brought it in the kitchen so I could watch her as I cooked. I didn't really feel like cooking a lot so I made hot wings and made fries to go with them. 

    After I finished eating it was 7 so I picked up Olivia and walked into the living room to watch some TV before bed. Olivia stayed up for a while before she drifted off to sleep for the night. Olivia was normally a really good baby. She doesn't cry that much and she eats pretty well. 

  I laid her down in her play pin since I didn't feel like walking all the way upstairs to put her in her room. I laid down on the couch and continued to watch Tv as the time went by. Soon I drifted to sleep and end up sleeping there for the rest of night. 

The next morning was the same as yesterday I got up and got dressed, feed Olivia, and got everything ready for Schmidt. It didn't take the long since he got all the information yesterday.

I heard a knock on the door. It could only be Schmidt so I opened it and gave him a hug. It was only 6:30 so I invited him to have a cup of coffee with me before I went to work. We walked into the kitchen and I poured him a hot black cup of coffee while I had me a Frappuccino. I sat down across from the table from him. 

 "So about last night." I started but was cut off by Schmidt. 

 "Look I know I should not have kissed you but Kimberly you are so pretty and I just couldn't help myself you are an amazing person and if you decide you wouldn't mind being with a guy like me I would  do everything in my power to be the best boyfriend for you" 

I was taken back by how forward his was about his feelings for me. I liked Schmidt he is a really amazing guy but if I'm being honest I've never thought of being with Schmidt. I've only known him to be a D-Bag. When I was with Nick he had a different girl over every night and I don't want to get cheated on again. 

  "Schmidt, you are a good guy and I love how you are with Olivia but I don't know how we would be in a relationship. Maybe we should be friends for longer. I feel like we are moving a little fast. One day Schmidt I would love to be with you but for right now I don't think I'm ready.

 His face dropped when I started talking. I really want to be with Schmidt but I just can't be with him right now till he can prove he is only about me. He is a player that's all I will see him as until then.  

"I understand, Kim. It's almost 7 you should be getting ready for work. Wouldn't want you to be later." He said putting his cup in the sink. I took my paper coffee cup and school bag and started walking towards the door. 

"Thank you again, Schmidt," I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

"Anytime. See you this afternoon," He hugged me back. 

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