Episode 3

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    Kimberly had just left for work and it was pretty quiet since Olivia was asleep. I found the remote to the Tv after looking for 20 minutes. Who keeps a remote Velcro-ed to the bottom of a table. I started watching some random show. I hope the hardest part of my day would be trying to get out of the house at 6:30 without my 3 roommates, Winston, Jess, and Nick, asking where I was going. Last time I stuck out of the house that early they had to come to Mexico to bail me out of jail. 

    Olivia had been asleep since I got here and it was now 8:30 and Kim clearly stated twice to wake her up every 2 hours to feed her a 4 oz bottle so she wouldn't be cranky. So I went upstairs to find the sleeping baby. I found her room finally, for a teacher, Kim has a surprisingly big house. I went over to the crib to find a peacefully sleeping baby that looks a lot like Nick. I made sure I was carefully picking her up because she seemed so delicate. I looked at her as her dark brown eyes opened. She looked up at me and smiled causing me to smile back at the beautiful little girl. 

   "Hey, sweetie. My name is Schmidt. I'm watching you for your mommy today while she's at work," She just looked at me chewing on her hand not really caring. 

    I held her and walked downstairs to feed her. I read how to make her bottle and how to feed her. Who knew it took this much to feed a baby. After she finished her bottle I burped her and set her in her swing. Kim said turning on the Tv while she swings helps her stay calm. I grabbed the remote from under the table and found a kid-friendly show for her to watch while I went to find something to eat. Kim made me Breakfast and Lunch the night before and told me she would leave it in the refrigerator.  Opening the fridge I was greeted by a bright yellow piece of paper that read 'Thank you for everything. Your breakfast is the Pancakes and the syrup is in the cabinet above the sink. I have bananas and strawberries if you want some'

   I grabbed my breakfast and warmed it up in the microwave. Just as I had finished eating I heard Olivia start crying.  I rushed over to her to pick her up she seemed like she needed to be changed. So I grabbed everything I need and changed the beautiful crying baby. After I changed her she fell back to sleep. 

    She pretty much slept and eat all day. It was about 4 Kimberly should be home any minute. Olivia was in her room sleep so I started cleaning back up the house. Basically taking the dirty bottles in the kitchen and washing them for Kim. I made sure the baby blankets were back in Olivia's room and folded nicely. I sat down and waited for Kim to get home. 

    Not even 5 minutes later she walked in the door on the phone. I got up to greet her any way that's just who I am. She waited and put up her index finger to tell me to wait for a second and finished her conversation. 

  "Sarah, you can move back to Organ. I really need you to be here with Oliva" 


"I understand. I'll send you your last week's check. Hope your mom gets better."

She hung up the phone and gave me her full attention. Sighing a big and long sigh she went over to the couch and flopped down. I walked over beside her and set down helping her take her coat off.

"What's the matter Kim," I said getting up to hang her jacket on the coat rack.

"My babysitter, Sarah, Just told me she is moving back to Organ because her mom needs someone there with her. Now I have no one to keep Olivia and I can't quite my job I really need it or I won't have anywhere to live" She buried her hand in her hands.

   "Hey, Kim, don't worry I'll keep Olivia until you can find someone else and ill do it for free. You have nothing to worry about. I'm your friend and ill help you with anything you need"  I put my arm around her shoulder trying to calm her. 

She jumped up and tackled me into a hug "Thank you. Thank you so much, Schmidt!"

"How was Olivia today," She asked kicking off her shoes, putting her feet up on the couch, and leaning towards me. 

"She was amazing she's a real sweetheart. She has Nick's smile." I started naming off everything I love about the little, mixed angel. 

"I'm glad you had fun today. Thank you so much, Schmidt." She said with a beautiful smile and her dark brown eyes lighting up. 

"Anytime. You'll be seeing a lot more now that I will be watching your daughter."

"Yep, and I'm glad I have someone like you to help me. You really don't have to do any of this but you do and I'm really happy." 

I got up and started heading to the door with Kimberly not far behind.

"Oliva is upstairs asleep I feed her about an hour ago so you have time to chill before she wakes up, but I have to go before my roommate put out a search party for me," I said pulling my coat off the rack. 

"Oh, that's fine. Um Maybe this weekend me, you and Olivia can go out to eat or something. My treat just a little thank you for watching Olivia for me" She said helping me put my jacket on.

"That would be nice. Ill text you later. Is that fine?"

She nodded and walked me over to the door. I'm about 3 inches taller than her so she looked up at me as I stood on the other side of the doorway. I stared deep into her dark brown eyes. I leaned in a grabbed the back of her head.

We kissed. 

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