Episode 6

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I woke up with Schmidt asleep beside me. I was around 9:30. I didn't want to wake Schmidt so I got up as quiet as possible and went to start breakfast.

I started mixing the waffle batter and frying the bacon. I poured the batter into the waffle maker. It wouldn't take long to cook so I went ahead and made Livi a bottle so I didn't have to struggle and make it while I was holding her. I took out the first waffle and made the second one. After I finished making the waffles, bacon, eggs, toast, and Fried potatoes I made me and Schmidt's plate and say the table. I went to get Olivia before I woke up Schmidt.

I walked back to my room and shook Schmidt awake. His eyes slowly opening and he had a sleepy face. He was so handsome. He started to get up and stretch then he realized Olivia was there.

"Hey, Cutie pie," Schmidt said grabbing her out of my arms.

I rolled my eyes but really loved how she loves him and he loves her.

"I made breakfast it's downstairs. You can go ahead and eat I have to feed Olivia." I said

"No, I can do it. I really don't mind. Plus you made breakfast. It's the least I can do" Schmidt said standing up from the bed holding Olivia close to him.

"Are you sure cause I can always do it?" I asked.


I walked back downstairs with Schmidt not far behind holding Olivia. We went into the kitchen. I sat down to eat while Schmidt fed Olivia. I smiled at how good he was with her. Not having a family around is hard but knowing I have Schmidt to rely on if I need anything makes me feel safe. Since Nick isn't in her life I'm glad Schmidt is. I don't know if he is like a big brother, uncle, or even a father figure to her. That's something I never thought I'd say. Anyone who knows Schmidt would agree that him with children doesn't seem imaginable. After seeing how amazing he was with Olivia and spending more time with him I think I could actually be with him. Of course, I'm not gonna tell him that. I need Schmidt and I don't want to lose him. I tend to run people off. I ran Nick off, My friends left me when Nick then, and after I left home my family stopped calling. I really only have Schmidt right now and I know if we date I'll mess things up.

"Hey what are you thinking about?" Schmidt asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head as I was saying nothing. At this point, I hadn't eaten I was waiting on Schmidt. After he finished feeding Olivia he sat her in her swing. He began to eat and so did I. It wasn't long before Olivia feel asleep and we were done eating. After I cleaned up and washed to dishes I headed upstairs to get myself and Olivia dressed. Schmidt stayed downstairs to watch Tv and wait for me finish. It was around 10:50 now and the movie started at 1 so we had over 2 hours to get ready so I could at least make myself look nice. I grabbed a towel and walked into the full-size bathroom inside of my bedroom. Hot water comes out of the showerhead as I turned it on. I stripped from my night clothes and stepped under the warm water.

After staying the shower for about 20 minutes I got out and dried off. It was only a little after 11. I walked into my bedroom with my towel wrapped around my body. I hadn't put my contacts in so I put on my glasses and went to my closet to find something nice to wear for the day. Since we were gonna be out all day I decided to wear a maroon tee-shirt dress, with low top converse. I wanted to be cute but comfy. I sat down to do a full face of makeup so I skipped eyebrows and contour. I did a maroon eyeshadow looks with a brown lip color. Next, I have to do my hair which didn't take long. I kept my natural curly afro and just parted it to one side.

Once I finished it was about 12 so I grabbed my pocketbook and phone and walked down the hall to get Olivia dressed in a baby, pink puffy, dress and a bow in her hair to match. She actually didn't wake up. I carried her downstairs with her in my arms.

As I was walking down the stairs I hear Schmidt talking to someone on the phone. I stopped in my tracks to hear what he was saying.

'Yes, Mom, I really like her'


'No, she's not Jewish and it doesn't matter'


'Her daughter is amazing. I love her she's like a daughter to me'


'Her name is Kimberly Harris mom.Hopefully, I can change her last name. To bad she's not my girlfriend'


'Thanks mom. I gotta go. I love you'

He hung up the phone and ran his hands through his hair. I continued walking down the stairs. Schmidt turned around and look as we walked. I could see a smile creep upon his face which caused me to smile. I got to the bottom of the stairs and smiled at Schmidt.

"You look amazing," He said looking be up and down. "You should wear your glasses more often you are beautiful."

I smiled wide and thank him. Schmidt was so sweet and so cute. After what I heard him say to room I'm convinced he really loves me. I just really don't want to ruin things between us.

I walked over to Olivia's play pin and laid her down. It's now or never.

"Hey, Schmidt" I called him over.

He walked up behind me as I was still looking at Olivia.

I turned around, looked deep in his eyes and said "You are a great person to me. You babysit Olivia for free, you help me in every way I need it. I was scared of getting hurt again but turns out you are really into me. I didn't want to lose you..." I was cut off

"How would you lose me?"

"I push people away." I said breaking eye contact to look at the ground.

He lifted my head up "No you don't Kim. People just don't see a good thing when they have it and you ma'am is the best anyway can ask for."

He pulled me close to him. Our faces were so close I could feel his breath on my lips. I pulled my face back so I could look into his eyes. I could see his face fall. I smiled and asked

"Winston Schmidt, can we take this relationship to the next level?"

He smiled and pulled me back in. "I would love to."

I reached my hands up to touch his cheeks and pulled him into a deep long kiss. We broke the kiss and touched foreheads. A smile spread across both of our faces.

"You are finally my girlfriend." Schmidt said with a huge smile across his face.

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