Episode 7

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Schmidt, Olivia, and I had spent the whole day together and we were back at Schmidt's apartment. As he said no one was here. Olivia was asleep as usual I had laid her in Schmidt's room. Schmidt was cook dinner and I was sitting in the living room watching Tv. I was about 8 o'clock and I was bored. So I walked to the kitchen and behind Schmidt wrapping my Hands around his waste as he stirred the Chicken Alfredo. He looked over his shoulder at me.

"Can I help you girlfriend" He sat the spoon down and turned towards me with a smile on his face. He grabbed my waste and push me against the kitchen island. He was one of the boyfriends you see calling his girlfriend girlfriend because he thinks it cute.

"I'm just bored" I said.

"The food should be done any minute" He turned back to the shove and turned it off.

He went over to sat the table. He poured us something to drink and fixed our plates. We sat down to begin our dinner.

"Thank you, Schmidt" I said eating another fork of my pasta.

"Anytime. I love spending time with you and Olivia. This last week has been an amazing with you. We might be moving kind of fast but I don't care. I want to be with you." Schmidt said

He was right we were moving fast but I've known him for years. I first met Schmidt when me and Nick started dating. He was living with Nick, Winston Bishop and Jess. When I first saw him I didn't this he was so sweet. Nick introduced us to each other then Schmidt went back to his room to be with his model girlfriend, Jess's best friend CeCe. That lasted until he cheated on her with his ex-girlfriend from college.

"Schmidt, would you ever cheat on me? He dropped his fork and looked at me.

"Kim, I've made mistakes in the past and so has Nick, but I've learned from them and Kim I really you and id never do anything to lose you."

"Why am I not good enough Schmidt?"
I was getting upset at this point and a tear rolled down my cheek. Schmidt got up from his seat and walked over to me. He stood me up from my chair and pulled me into his chest l. He rubbed my back as more tears streamed down my face.

"Kimberly, I don't know where this is coming from. Yo are perfect to me. You've been hurt in the past and I get it but you shouldn't let that make you feel bad about yourself. Kim I will do everything in my power to sure I prove to you, you are the most beautiful girl in the world. You're special to me."

"Schmidt, my whole life I've been told I wasn't good enough. Then Nike came along and hurt me so much. I have to take care of his child by myself because he wanted to be with another girl, who still lives her by the way! Schmidt, nothing ever works out for me it's a known fact."

I pulled away from his hug and went into the living room.

"Kimberly, please just..." He was cut of by the sound of keys at the front door. The knob turned before the person on the other side pushed the door opened.

Nick and Jess cane Fallon in the apartment kissing each other. My mouth fall open out of hurt and shook m. I haven't talked to Nick since the break up. He tried calling but I never answered. He picked Jess up and she wrapped her legs around him. He reached back to shut the door. Schmidt coughed causing Jess to jump off of Nick and they both turned to look at us. I could see Nick's whole mood change when he saw me. I couldn't tell if her was upset, mad, or frustrated, but he definitely wasn't happy. He faced palmed himself and shook his head.

"Really Kim? It's been a year then you decide to just show back up. Schmidt why did you let her in here? Please leave right now" Nick Said. I guess he was mad.

"She is actually here because..." Schmidt started.

I cut him off "You don't have to explain for me, Schmidt. I'll leave. I knew it was a bad idea to come here. I'll go get my things"

I left to go into Schmidt's room to get Olivia and my things. Schmidt not far behind. He walked in a close the door behind him.

"You don't have to leave" He said watching me pick up Olivia, who had awaken up and was crying. I tried to get her to stop before Nick heard.

"I really need to fix her bottle, Schmidt it's not the time" I said trying to find a bottle and hold her at the same time.

"Here. I'll do it" He grabbed the bag and made her s bottle. I held her and walked back and forth trying to soothe her. Schmidt finished and took Olivia to feed her. I sat down on his bed beside him.

"Schmidt that was embarrassing" I said burying my face in my hands. "I don't know if I can do this."

"Wait? Kim don't say that. You are strong. You should go out there and give him a piece of your mind. Nick might be my best friend it that was out of line"

Schmidt stood up and raised his voice a little but I couldn't take him seriously with a pick burping cloth over his shoulder and a baby in his arms.

"You're right!" I said with my blood boiling. I stored out of Schmidt room causing the door to hit the wall. I was on a mission to find Nick. He was on the sofa talking or should I say exchanging spit with Jess. I walked in front of him and her.

"Hey, Nick, I have something to say to you" Jess rolled her eyes but Nick sat up to listen.

"I'm not here for you Nick. Don't flatter yourself. In over you, Nick. So far over you I have a new boyfriend. Schmidt come here!" I yelled for Schmidt and Nick's mouth fell open.

Schmidt walked over to me holding Olivia.

"Yes, Nick, I'm dating Schmidt. That's why I was over have a date with my boyfriend until we were caught in the porn video that was about to take place." I said as I stepped closer to Schmidt and closed my arms off my chest and stared at Nick.

Nick gave me a like he had something up his sleeve.

"It's funny you think you're dating Schmidt. He has been going out every morning this week to see a girl." Nick said

I shook my head.

"How about putting 2 and 2 together. I'm the girl Nick. He's been watching my daughter while I'm at work"

"Wait she's your daughter?" He said pointing at Olivia in Schmidt's arms.

I grabbed Olivia out if Schmidt's arms.

"Her name is Olivia" I said

"Ok, wait I don't care about you and Schmidt,glad you're happy but Kimberly who's daughter is she" Nick started walking towards me.

I backed up into Schmidt and looked up at him and he nodded as he knew what I was about to do.

"Nick this is Olivia. She's our daughter"

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