From Paper To Mp3

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"Hey Lola! Long time no see! How have you been so far?"

"Sonika! Nice to see you! I've been in a really good mood today! Want to know what happened? And we just met up last month, it was not such a long time ago. But, fancy meeting you again. And I assume your bodyguard followed you."

"Yeah. He's literally my shadow and I'm glad and appreciative that he cares a lot. By the way, I'm curious! What happened? Haven't seen cheerful Lola for quite a while."

"Hey! You sound like I'm always a bore! Anyway, let's find a place to sit down and chat. Let's go to my bedroom and get some chocolate chunk cookies!"

"Lead the way! Come on John! Want some cookies?"


"Woah...really? That's great! Told you your efforts would eventually be rewarded. Patience, determination and perseverance is usually what you need to succeed."

"Yeah. I'm just glad that my work is acknowledged. But I can't feel worried for Leon. He's still affected by what happened a few days ago but at least he's a bit happier. He's a stubborn old man. Prima clearly touched him but that's about it. That's expected as a couple of words can't change his mind that fast. There's still clear resentment towards the company, you can see it in his eyes. But he had plenty of time to sort out his feelings. And I'm sure he chose this path."

"Wow, that's deep... Perks of an author, huh?"

"Haha. Guess you can say so. Leon really is trying hard, really hard. When he said he felt better after the walk, his eyes gave everything away. As Usual. His eyes pleaded, 'I'm not mad! Just leave me be!' He is literally an open book."

"Never thought you were the kind of person to use puns. But enough of Leon, how's Miriam? And congrats on your book!"

"Thanks and Miriam still behaves more or less the same. But after what happened on Friday she started becoming more conscious of how her actions and words affected others around her. Not like she was already considerate enough already."

"Ah, I see. Well it's nice to see her being more considerable about others but in my opinion, she should also look out for herself. It'll not be healthy if she just focuses on pleasing others too much."

"That's true, but I think she'll be fine. It's about time she snaps out of it. She's naive in her own way and surprisingly smart. Miriam did academically well in her school days especially math. Even though you can't really apply math formulae in real life, she learned how to systemically come up with solutions to conflicts because of the skill she picked up."

"She really is full of surprises, I've underestimated her too much. On a side note, where are your bodyguards? Are they on patrol or something?"

"Well, Jane followed Leon to the dance studio while Carlos tagged along to the beach with Miriam. She's meeting up with Tonio, Prima, Ann and Al regarding the preparations."

"Ah, that makes sense. If you don't mind, may I ask a personal question?"

"Okay, what is it?"

" get treated differently because y'know, because of your background?"

"Oh, that. Nah, I'm good. In the past, the other accountants did treat me differently but most of them eventually stop unless when they tease me. Despite that, I don't really meet the other accountants. I work part-time and my office is in my bedroom. For a moment I thought you were going to ask that question."

"I figured the reporters already you that. And just out of curiosity, do they still ask you that?"

"Yup, they still do. They already asked me that question a lot of times and I always give the same answer so they eventually stopped. But it was annoying to answer the question. Some of the reporters go, 'No, no, give us something else. There's surely something else you feel.' And I always go,'There's nothing else I feel. Sure I'm unhappy about my company's decision but there's nothing else I can do to change their mind. The only thing I can do is my attitude towards them.' And uh, Sonika, I don't mean to be mean towards you but it may be your turn soon. With the release of Vocaloid five, yeah... "

"Honestly though, I don't have an opinion. Sure, I'm going to be an empty ghost, nothing's changed. I was never that well-known. I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. That's alright. It's a little painful but I have a plan b. My journey as a vocaloid enabled me to feel plenty of emotions. And I'll like to paint these emotions on some clay. On another hand, I may not be forgotten yet. There are still people who use the Vocaloid 4 editor so I still have some time left. There are people who still compose songs for me so not gonna die yet. And when that day comes, I'll be ready like the V2 English team. They were already prepared a long time ago. Around the v3 era if I recall correctly."

"It must hurt a lot. Begin forgotten that is. And I never knew that you are such a devoted Potterhead!"

"Wow, Lola. Why are you so puny today. And yeah, it was hard to accept it but they came to terms. It was especially hard for Ann. She was the most devoted one to singing. But she faced reality and tried to move on. The face she wears says it all."



"Er Sonika, I have something to ask."

"What is it? You're really curious today, aren't cha?"

"I just want to know your opinion on something regarding a book I'm currently working on. I need help for a book title."

"A book title huh? Alright then, what are the titles you have in mind? And what is the book about?"

"My book is about the advantages of verbally expressing yourself to others. I personally feel that many people are afraid of telling others on how they feel and I want to give some encouragement."

"That's not really that unusual considering the books you write are full of emotion. But what gave you motivation?"

"Just trying something new. And I've come up with two ideas. The first one is 'From the Depths Of My Mind' and
the other one I came up with is 'My
Overflowing Heart'. So, which one do you think is more suitable?"

"Interesting titles but I have a suggestion. Come here."

"I'm all ears."


"So, how is it?"

"! You're such a genius! How are so poetic? Your use of metaphors and imagery is amazing!"

"Hehe. Perks of befriending an author."

"Hey, it was nice meeting up. And uh, unfortunately, I have something on later on. It's a book singing session."

"Aww, so fast. That happens when your friend wants to play King of Fighters too much."


"Hahaha, anyway it was a nice afternoon. Let's meet up again sometime. See ya, Lola."

"You're forgetting your own bodyguard?"

"What? Of course not! Where did you get that idea? Bye!"


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