My Starting Point

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Miriam was always so quiet, you would think she would never ever talk, much less sing. Everyone in her family was shocked when they found her letter. Little, soft Miriam becoming a vocaloid was the last thing they expected.

Becoming a vocaloid meant being a singer forever. Her family did not know what was more surprising. Little Miriam singing in front of strangers on a big stage or Miriam leaving them. Expecting the worst, they began to sob but Miriam comforted them and promised to visit them and write them letters whenever she had the time.

But that was not all, Miriam also had to undergo an operation. In fact, most vocaloids had to undergo the operation. The operation was a hundred percent successful. The objective of the operation was to grant a slice of immortality. From that moment on, the patient would not age anymore, ensuring a longer lifespan. Unfortunately, this did not meant patients would be immune to diseases or physical harm.

A few days later, Miriam packed her belongings and prepared to move out. Before the delivery men arrived, Miriam took one last look in the mirror, checking her outfit. Miriam picked her most comfortable and favorite clothes which consisted of a white jacket, a black scarf with a matching black scarf, black stockings and a pair of black and white high-cut boots. Miriam picked this combination as her outfit made her look presentable; at least in her standards as she wanted her family to remember her this way. A strong, mature woman who could take care of herself well.

Her new residence would be Vocal Island. Miriam and her family had a hard time saying goodbye. Eventually, Miriam and her family let each other go. Miriam said a final tearful goodbye by waving from the car window.

Next stop, Vocal Island, home of the vocaloids, cevio and alter/ego. Going to Vocal Island was a tiring journey. The island was located in between Australia and New Wales Island. The island had a beautiful beach and it was an extremely huge island. It was slightly bigger than Singapore. Due to the construction of the city, many parts of the forest had been cut down. It was now a forest of buildings. Regardless, there were still many protected areas where trees were not allowed to be cut down and the wildlife was safe as sound.

When Miriam arrived safely on the island, she was amazed by how clean the city was. There was not any form of litter anywhere, which was a relief. She was a clean freak and this was good news to her.

The people from her company escorted Miriam to her new home where she would be sharing with two more vocaloids. Taking a liking to the beach, Miriam hoped her home would be nearby. However, her company had other plans as they escorted her to the house.

In order to get to the house, Miriam had to take public transport such as the bus. But, according to one of the escorts, the beach would be a thirty minute walk from the house.

Along the way, Miriam noticed that the buildings were built a certain height above ground. There were also many drains visible which made sense as the monsoon season could be pretty ugly especially since weather could be rather unpredictable.

As they reached the house, Miriam and company passed by a few shopping centres, a library and houses for the people living on the island. Vocaloids were not the only ones living on the island. After all, vocaloids are singers. There has to be people who run the economy such as restaurant owners and businessmen. And the island was way too big for vocaloids and the other signers.

Soon, Miriam saw the house she would be living in for a long, long time. Her first impression of the house was not very good. The house looked a little, well, small. It was small compared to the other houses. It certainly looked larger than an average house in a neighborhood. However, it was the smallest house in the neighborhood. There were other houses in construction and they looked like mansions. Especially the one across the road. It looked like it could house a minimum of ten people.

Miriam was about to complain to the director when she remembered her manners. This was the director. There was no way she could be rude to him. Unless she wanted a death wish, that is. On the bright side, the house looked decent with it's white exterior. The grass in the front yard was well maintained and there were a few potted plants in the shade under the front porch. Suddenly, the front door of the house burst opened and two beaming people stumbled out of the front porch and cheered loudly.

"Welcome to the Zero mansion!" They sang in unison.

Miriam looked amused and waved in response but in contrast, the director looked tired. In an annoyed tone he said, "Leon, Lola, I know I said to welcome your new friend but not like this. Didn't I say to greet her formally? You two are not children anymore, you're both young adults!"

The two occupants of the house did not seem to pay the director any mind as they had cheeky expressions plastered on their faces. The boy, Leon was a tall, young boy in his late teens and had golden blonde hair and the brightest pair of green eyes Miriam had seen in her life. Leon also wore a simple blue shirt, black pants and simple black shoes. The girl named Lola had tanned skin and dark hair that just reached her shoulder. Lola seemed to be a really fan of black as she wore black fingerless gloves, a black crop top that exposed her stomach, black pants that looked similarly to Leon's and black shoes.

"It was Leon's idea and I just went along with it," Lola said, with a playful smile on her face, winked at the director and pointed her index finger in Leon's direction.

"Hey!" Leon pretended to look betrayed as he pinched Lola's arm. "Don't put all the blame of me Lola! Come on! We're a team! And I like your long, silver hair new friend!"

The director buried his face into his palms and faced Miriam. "Sorry about that," The director apologised. "Those two shape shifters are a little too fun loving and carefree. Please excuse them. And I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. See you three at work!"

The three waved at the director and he was off. Soon, it was just the three shape shifters left in the front yard.
The delivery men placed Miriam's boxes in her room and they left shortly once their job was done.

Miriam was quick as she unpacked her items while Leon and Lola were watching television downstairs.

As the duo's eyes were glued to the television, Miriam took her time to explore the house. She walked through the kitchen, the training room, the miniature gym and the basement. Actually, it was a pretty house. It was actually much bigger inside. The house was actually sweet looking house with its pastel pink walls which might have made Leon uncomfortable. In addition, Miriam was privileged to have a stunning view of the other houses that were in construction in the near future. The construction workers emitted a lot of noise but that could not be helped.

The day seemed mundane but that was expected. It was the first day after all. Plus, it would be very tiring if every day was filled with drama. Leon and Lola seemed to be nice people and she heard the director mention that the duo were shape shifters which was great. It was not like Miriam disliked humans but it was just that humans could be a little, annoying. Whenever they met a shape shifter, the poor shape shifter would be bombarded with millions of questions. From that day onwards, the shape shifter would be seen like a precious diamond on display. It did not seem too bad at first but it would be irritating later on.

This was it, the start of a new life. Vocaloids were not well known yet but Miriam had a feeling that it would be popular in the years to come. In addition, there would be new people to meet, new friendships. And most importantly, singing countless songs.

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