Chapter 1

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Jordan P.O.V

The bell rang, signalling class was over and it was time for lunch. I blew another bubble with my gum whilst me and my best friend, Sasha, packed things haphazardly into our bags. The room was filled with the sound of scraping as people pushed their chairs in and the class spilled into the crowded hallways. We grabed our bags and left with the rest of the class.

Heading into the corridor, there was a sea of students directed towards the cafeteria to get their food, waves of people in brightly coloured summer clothes with high spirits of getting a good piece of (prtobably artificial) pizza or a soggy salad. We headed in the opposite direction, to the stairs.

We talked and giggled on the way there and I constantly had to blow my untaimed, brown hair away from my face. It fell down in messy curls that stop halfway down my abdomen. My bag hung carelessly over one shoulder.

"So, detention again." Sasha said with a giggle. She moved one hand up to flit a stray piece of strawberry-blonde hair away from her face revealing her baby-blue eyes and mischievous smirk. Her tanned cheeks were still flushed with laughter from the previous lesson.

So yeah; instead of enjoying our lunch break as usual, her and I had detention for messing around in class, again. We got in a fight that may have included gluesticks and just maybe some talking back to the teacher and possibly a tiny amount of rude language and... Well... it's a long story.

Anyway, we continued our hike up the stairs as the summer sunshine streamed through the large windows, illuminating the area. The, once white, walls were covered in mud, mouldy food and bits of paint flaking off of the railings here or there. The mint green steps have a metal edge to them that caused our feet to make tapping sounds as we hopped up.

"You started it!" I throw my head back and laugh.

I blew a large bubble with my gum again and hear it pop before turning back to face her. Her blue, patterned summer dress flows behind her and her delicate shoes made light clicks on the unwashed floors.

She rolled her eyes, "did not."

"Did too!" I counter.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

We burst into laughter and continued to the third floor where detention was being held.

"First person to the top of the stairs gets a piggy-back from the other for the rest of the way to detention!" I taunted her before starting to sprint up the next two flights of stairs.

"That's not fair! I'm wearing strapless shoes, they'll fall off!" She whined. Not long after though, she's right behind me.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp tug and then i realised that Sasha had tugged my flannel shirt from around my waist and dropped it on the floor behind her.

"Alexandra, you dirty cheat!" I exclaimed. "Stupid shirt," I mumbled, turning to grab it and then immediately continuing the race. I'm suprised I didn't get whiplash.

She continued to run at full speed. I saw the exit to the stairs and pushed myself to go faster. When I got close enough, I grabbed her shoulder and yanked her backwards. She squealed and caught herself before she fell which gave me a great advantage. I smashed through the double doors and hollered in victory. Sasha followed. Both of us were breathing heavily. She glared playfully at me.

"Carry me, babes," I said with a sassy smirk and put my arms out in a teasing gesture.

"But Jordan..." She stuck out her lower lip in a bad attempt at pouting.

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