Chapter 3

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Quick A/N
Am I the only one having problems saving my work all the time?
*Cover by @Rosie_013*

I slowly woke. I blinked a few times so that my eyes adjusted to the light.

"She's waking up." A female voice whispered softly. That's when the hand clamped on my mouth.

My eyes snapped open, fully this time. I immediately feared the worst. I can't die. Not now. I was terrified it was another one of those things and my automatic reaction was to try and scream. I relaxed immediately when I realized I was staring back at a pair of familiar, Caribbean blue eyes. Sahsa's eyes.

She removed her dainty hand from my face, giving me a small smile.

"Stay quiet." She said, calmly. I raised an eyebrow in questioning and began to sat up. She went forward to help me. As I got upright, a rush of dizziness hit like a truck so I grabbed onto her arm for stability. I realized I was sat on the sofa that was in the staff room connected to the detention room. My head was throbbing and my legs felt half asleep. I stretched them slightly.

"The zombies are attracted by noise." I turn to look at where the deep, masculine voice came from. Raphael' s eyebrows were drawn together in concern as he analysed my face carefully. "We moved you into the staff room not long after you passed out; we found the keys in the teachers desk. We also barricaded all doors leading outside to the corridors."

"Oh." Was all I managed to say. I inhaled a shaky breath. I looked around the room. Sasha was sat on the floor near my head. Raphael and Stacy were in front of me and Cooper was off too the side with Alesha cuddled in his lap as they looked at me with concern.

Wait. What is Stacy doing here?

That's when I notice the position both of them were in. As Raphael sat on a cushioned stool in front of the sofa - leaning forward with his hands clasped in front of him - Stacy hand her hands wrapped around his bicep - fluttering her eyelashes at him- as she sat on the stool adjacent to his. He seemed completely oblivious to her touch though. Trust her to be the only one trying to get laid during this situation

I tore my eyes away from the sight and looked towards Cooper and Alesha. Alesha still curled up in his lap. "The others are in the detention class room. There is some food in the staff-room kitchen and the water is still running so the staff toilet still works. Electricity is still on as well. Though we're not sure how long it will last. We cleaned you up. Maybe you should eat something. You've been out for about an hour. Are you okay?" He said. I simply nodded. I was trying to pay attention. I really was. But it was really hard as my head continued to throb with pain.

"I'll go and get you something! Water?" I nodded and Sasha hurried off too the kitchen counters on the other side of the room. I mentally smirk when I notice that Sebastian was standing over at the counters. He was her long time crush and I am pretty sure he has liked her for a while too.

I observe them a little longer as he gives her a friendly smile and she responds with her famous move; The double tuck - where she tucks her hair behind both ears at the same time. (For anyone who watches "Brooklynn nine-nine").

I then snapped my gaze back to Raphael. His eyes haven't left me once and I can feel his steely gaze on me. He knelt in front of me and brought a hand up to my cheek, shrugging off Stacy in the process.

"Are you sure your okay?" He stoked his thumb up and down my cheek and I looked down again.

"I'm fine." I covered his hand with mine and pulling it away from my face. He brought my head up to look at him again and his eyes searched mine for any sign that I'm lying but i just gave him a weak smile in return. I heard Stacy stand up and storm out of the room.

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