Chapter 2

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We all froze.
The scream was long and blood curdling; but far away. The hair on the back of my neck stood up I end and Alesha turned to me, wide eyed. Dunno why the f*ck she would though. I mean, its not like i knew wht was going on.

"Don't worry, kids. I'm going to check it out. I'll be back in a minute so no one leave the room or break any rules. I will know!"
The principle hurried from behind his desk and darted towards the door. His hazel eyes were as big as saucers as he scrambled out of the room and his suit jacket was flapping behind him.

Just as the Principle was leaving, another boy entered. He had a sharp jawline that looked as though it could cut through metal, his hair lay messily on top of his head. His eye were so dark they almost looked black and he had clear, skin. His name was Rafael Rodríguez; basically the school heart throb; and Stacy's future boyfriend (or so she says). I had talked to him a few times before. He was alright.

I had met him when he decided to bring his husky, Jack or Jacko, to school and let him loose. Luckily, I was used to my old harlequin pointer, Athena, making a run for squirrels in the garden so I caught his dog quickly and he thanked me for getting him back. Rafael got suspended, though. It was pretty f*cking hilarious however, and i do question whether or not I should've just left the dog to wreak havoc.

After telling him to sit down, the teacher left to go and check out what the scream was about. He sat down next to me and dumped his bag beside the table.

I had put in pne earphone to listen to music however, after a while of eating chocolate and light conversation with Rafeal, I finally got too bored to cope.

"Sir has been gone for quite a while." I say as I munch on the last Malteser. I looked over at the door to check for the millionth time in the last minute.

"Is that really a bad thing?" Rafael gives me a knowing look while grinning, showing of his blindingly white teeth.

"I guess not." I nod. "What's all the commotion about?" I mumble to myself, just about noticing the sound of screaming coming from outside in the field as i took out my earphone. What on Earth was going on? Maybe someone was making an excellent goals or something?

Being the curios person I am, I stand up and stretch then look through the window into the field. It was definitely not what i was expecting; absolute chaos.

The grass was red and black with blood. There were people chasing - not just chasing but eating - other pupils and students; a few looked like they didn't even come to this school. Some had no limbs, their guts spilling out; tripping on their own intestines. Each of the disfigured and ruined people had blank, milky eyes. Their skin turning grey. Some ran and leapt onto some pupils to feast into them whilst others stumbled along the grass. A mess. A complete and utter mess.

"Oh, my gosh." I whispered as I stumbled backwards, almost falling into the chair but Raphael put a comforting hand on my back to stabilize me. I could feel my rapid heart beat; so fast that it felt like it was going to shoot out of my chest. My breathing almost stopped as, shaking, I turn to the others and Raphael removed his hand.

Sasha's eyes widened in surprise and concern. "Jordan, are you okay? You look a little pale."

"Zombies." I whimpered almost silently. My throat felt dry and I wanted to claw at it.

"Jordan what's wrong? Are you okay?" She repeated.

I inhaled a deep breath. "Zombies." I reached behind me and grip the window and turn back to the scene. My breathing was shaky.

I see Alesha standing up and looking out, too; placing her beautifully manicured had on the window sill. Then she screamed. Some went to cover their ears but Cooper stood up and dodged the tables to get to her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug before taking a look outside himself.

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