Chapter 2

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Based off of the headcannon above.

The paladins were battling with a swarm of Gulra drones. Lance was snipping them from above, covering his teammates backs when they couldn't get it for themselves. He was feeling pretty confident in himself. Soon the whole swarm was gone, littering the floor with drones.
"Great work, team. Let's get the prisoner and go." Shiro said over the comms, heading towards the door.
Lance slid down the slanted wall, bragging about his sharpshooting skills.
"We get it Lance. You can shoot." Keith said.
"Your just jealous you can't shoot with my talent." Lance accused.
Keith scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
They continued down the hall in silence.
"The room should be right here, but it's just an empty hallway." Pidge said, looking at her wrists holoscreen.
"Are you sure, Pidge?" Shiro asked, looking around.
"Yeah, we followed the map perfectly." She said, furrowing her eyebrows.
"Is it upside down?" Hunk asked, looking over her shoulder.
"No I'm sure it isn't."
"Paladins, what's the hold up?" Allura said over the comms.
"The cell should be here but it isn't." Keith said.
"We are tracking the prisoner directly. Are you sure they aren't there?" Allura asked, checking her screens.
"Wait, my helmets scanners are picking up a slight heat fluctuation by the wall. Can this prisoner turn invisible Allura?" Pidge asked.
"I'm not sure." Allura responded
Before anyone could say anything else, Gulra soldiers appeared seemingly out of nowhere at all the exits.
"Hunk, grab the prisoner." Shiro said, activating his hand. Keith, Pidge and Lance pulled out thier bayards. They whirled into action, knocking out enemies. Hunk and Pidge had escaped with the prisoner in the thick of battle. Lance, Keith, and Shiro stood in a triangle, protecting each other. They cut thier way through Gulra towards the exit.
"Go, I'll cover you." Lance said, shooting soldiers' hands or feet. They rushed towards thier lions.
"Lance, come on!" Keith said over the comms. He was surrounded by Gulra.
"I'm surrounded! I can't get to Blue!" Lance said into the comms, panicked. "Guys I need backup!"
"We can't get in there Lance! It's too risky. Without a lion we'd die, and with a lion we might injure you." Shiro responded.
Lance's face fell as he realized what was happening. "Your going to leave me here?!" He shouted, panic and betrayal cracking his voice.
"We don't want to Lance! We can't get in there!"
Lance took a breath. "You better come back for me." He said, accepting the reality of it.
"We will return for you Lance. I promise." Shiro said over the comms. Before Lance could hear any advice or goodbyes from the team, a soldier got past this guard and knocked his helmet off. This seemed to renew the effort. Before he knew what was happening, a soldier had breached his defenses and kicked his kneecap. His right side crumpled. He continued to fight. A Gulra hit the back of his head with the butt of thier blaster, then he knew no more.
*Lance doesn't remember anything from that point on so I'm not going to include it, and I'm going to switch to the Paladins in the Castle of Lions*
The four paladins were all in the lounge, thinking about a plan to go get Lance. It had been four days.
"A simple infiltration?" Pidge offers. "I could go in with my grappling hook and just lower right into where he's being held."
"That wouldn't work. The security is tight." Shiro said. They had been through every plan they could think of.
"I miss my buddy." Hunk said quietly. Everyone was feeling the effects of not having Goofball Lance around. The ship was quite. It almost seemed to be standing still. When the reality of thier situation made itself known, no one was there to make a joke to cut the tension. In training all team exercises failed, thier supporting member gone.
There was an alarm. Coran got up and looked at the holoscreen. "A large Gulra ship is heading straight towards the Castle." He reported. He turned towards Allura and the team.
"Come on, team. Let's go." Shiro said, but it was lacking it's usual luster.
The Lions came out of the spires, and cautiously flew up to the Gulra cargo ship.
"Gulra Vessel, identify yourself." Shiro said.
No answer.
"Gulra Vessel, identify yourself or prepare to be boarded."
No response.
"I'm going in." Shiro flew and landed gently on top of the large craft. He dropped down in, and stood ready for an ambush. He crept towards the pilot seat. He saw a slumped figure.
"Hello?" He asked. He took another slow and hesitant step forward. The figure didn't move.
"Shiro, what's going on?" Keith's voice said from the comms.
Shiro took a few more steps forward. "The pilot isn't responding. He appears to be unconscious." He went to take a better look at the pilot.
"Who is it? A Gulra?" Keith asked.
"It's Lance."

Omg I'm sorry but I want to get this out and stuff but here is part one of either two or three. I hope you liked it!

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