Sans' Sketchbook

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A/n- Sorry I haven't been updating this book alot, but I've been working on writing a different Fellcest book. The prolouge to it will be posted by atleast Tuesday (maybe Monday) and I'll try to update it once a day.
Papyrus' POV this time!!

Sans and I both love art. We both have sketchbooks, but he never lets me look at his. I wonder why. Maybe becuase he dosen't like is art? Or maybe he dosen't want me to see what he's drawing? Whatever the reason is, I'll find out.

Sans wasn't in our bedroom. His sketchbook was!! This is perrfect!! I can look at his drawings, and he won't know. If he asks, I'll pretend not to know. He'll kill me if I get caught.

But, It's totally worth the risk.

Picking up his sketchbook, I open it to page one. I find '2018' written in big numbers. He drew Royal Guards infront of it, while having me and him behind the guards. This is...really good.

I flipped threw some other pages. Noibat, Sapphire, Sylveon, Ruby, until I got to page 19. The thing about this particular page was, the drawing. It was a picture I had my armor on, with a bone in my hand. I looked...strong, powerful. How did he draw this?

I don't understand why he dosen't let me see his drawings. These are so good!! Why can't he relize that? Just then Sans walks in, I quickly shut his sketchbook.

"HEY SANS!!" I said, nervously. I'm so dead. He glanced me over, but froze when he saw his sketchbook.

" that my...sketchbook?" He asked, shaking. He was clearly upset.

"SANS I..." I started, but he cut me off.

"i know" he sighed. I know? What's that supposed to mean?

"WHAT?" I ask confused.

"i know i'm not good at art. i know i'll never be as good as you, or anyone really. but atleast i try!! i actually try to get better, but i just can't!! i try diffrent styles, different supplies, diffrent subjects, but nothing works!! i'm just terrible at art, so just leave me alone. you don't have to look through my sketchbook just to see how bad everything i draw is!!" Sans ranted. He calmed down a little bit, but his eye-sockets were pitch black, and tears were forming. Crap, I screwed up.

Atleast I found out why he never lets me see anything he draws, he dosen't think he's good at it.


"! it's too terrible to sell!! even if i post it online, i'll get a bunch of mean comments about how bad it is. besides, who the heck would buy it?" Sans explains sadly.

"...I WOULD" I explained. He has no idea how good it is.

"...what?" He asks, surprised and confused.


"... what drawing" he asked, shyly blushing.

"THIS ONE!" I exclaimed, as I flipped through his sketchbook, finding the drawing of me.

He looked at the drawing, looked at me, then smirked. Oh no, he's gonna get smart with me.

"you have to kiss me" he finally said. I wasn't surprised.

I leaned down so I could reach his skull, and kissed his forehead. He blushed even more, as he handed me the drawing.

"welp... drawing's yours now" he said quickly, and left.

Later that night, I had it framed and put it up on our nightstand. Something I noticed is whenever I'm not around, Sans is starring at his picture. Probaly because it's of me.

It's adoarable.

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