Video Games

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A/n- this is based on a comic I made awhile ago that I'm not gonna show anyone because my art is cringy XD! Enjoy!!
Sans's pov

Papyrus and I were playing video games because it's the weekend, so it's not like theres anything better to do!

We were playing Pokèmon! I was playing Pokèmon Sun, while he was playing Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon 2. Exploers of Sky to be exact.

Both of us were working on beating the final boss of our games. For me, that was the Pokèmon leauges, and honestly, it was a pretty easy battle! For Papyrus, that was Primal Dialga, and as I was aware, he's been working on beating him for months now. I heard Primal Dialga has an attack that can one-shot the player.

Not really paying attention to my own battle, I didn't relize the words "CONGRATS ON BEING ALOLA'S NEW CHAMPION" appered on the screen. I did it! I beat the game!

"i beat the leauges!!" I yelled out excitedly! Sure it was a pretty easy battle, but I always get nervous when I'm in a battle that actually matters.

Papyrus, threw his head back and put down his 3ds.

"I FINALLY BEAT THAT GUY" Papyrus sighed tiredly. It was probaly a really hard final boss.

We both continued playing our video games after that. I was going threw the dialouge of the post game, when I noticed Papyrus, crying. That's odd, Papyrus never cries!!

Then I remember, I've heard PMD2 has a really emotional ending. I'm not sure what the ending is, because I've never played the game, but that's probaly what he's seeing.

I grabbed his 3ds and saw the dialouge between his character, a Torchic he named Papyrus, and his partner character, a Bulbasaur named... Sans. He named his partner after me!!

However, the dialouge between the two characters was heart-wrenching.

Sans (Bulbasaur): I love you, Papyrus

Papyrus (Torchic): I love you too Sans, I promise, I'll never forget you!

Sans (Bulbasaur): Papyrus!! No!!

The Bulbasaur named after me sceams as Papyrus' avatar disappears from the screen.

"keep playing" is all I say. That was sad! To sad!

We both keep playing our games. Papyrus seems disappointed in the ending. He can't seem to get over the fact his character disapered.

Then, I noticed Papyrus smile again! I peered over to his screen.

It read: 

1 Month Later

Sans (Bulbasaur): I miss Papyrus *had breakdown*

Dialga: Thank You, Papyrus and Sans for saving the world from becoming a world of darkness, I hope you appriate this gift for your work. *does roar*

*Papyrus appears on the beach where Sans is*

Sans (Bulbasaur): *still having breakdown*

Bidoof: Sans!! Look!!

Sans (Bulbasaur): *looks to his left* Papyrus!!

The End

I'm so glad the game didn't end with him disappering!

Sooner or later I learned the partner in PMD2 is the character the player goes on every adventure with, and the name Papyrus choose for his partner, was mine, Snas!

He choose me!!

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