Chapter 1

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My name is, Elle Cooper, I’m 18 years old. My birthday is April 9th 1997. Today it is currently August 18th 2015.

2 months ago, my best friend, slash, boyfriend, lost his fight to cancer.

We had been best friends since I moved in next to him, when I was 2. We were inseparable. As we grew older, I guess our feelings grew, and when we was 11, we started dating. I know you might think that’s a bit young, but it wasn’t for us. We would talk about our future together. Everybody knew, what we had was real, it wasn’t just ‘young love’.

His name was Cody Simpson. He had leukaemia. And yes, he was a pop star. He started out on you tube, for fun. And then, he got signed to Atlantic Records. That is when things got a bit tough.

He moved to LA, and we thought it would tear our relationship apart. But it brought us closer together. I would visit him every chance I got, and when he came back home, he wouldn’t waste a second. We’d have barbeques with all of our family’s. our family’s are best friends, I’m a only child, so its nice to have Alli and Tom, we treat each other like brother and sister.

So, I am going to tell you, about, before Cody passed away, or as he liked to call it, ‘left the earth’. I am going to start, from when he first started posting his video’s on you tube, until, well, now.

I hope you enjoy, reading his story. His ups and downs. His life. I will enjoy, telling you it.

It Seemed Like Forever.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن