Chapter 3

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*25th March 2009*

I was sitting in my front garden, listening to my iPod, when a shadow covered my light. I looked up, and saw Cody. “Who are you listening too?!” Cody asked, as he pulled my iPod from out of my ears. “Bon Jovi?” He asked, as he stared at me weirdly? I nodded, and gave him the same look back. “You, you like Bon Jovi?” He asked, laughing at me. I whacked his arm, and took my earphones off him and stood up. “Yes, I do. My mum, got me into them.” I said, switching my iPod off, and wrapping the headphones around them. “Oh, okay.” Cody said as he walked away. “What? What did you want!?” I shouted after him. “Information!” Cody shouted back, turning around and giving me a smile, before, walking back to his house, next door. Weirdo.

*30th March* 

“Elle! Come ere’” Cody said, as he was sat at his laptop, logged onto youtube. “Yeah?” I asked, coming up behind him. “Have you seen the comments? And views!?” Cody asked, as he pointed to them on the screen. I looked and saw, thousands of views. And comments saying, we want more. “Wow! People like you! Are you going to post another video?” I asked, as I looked at him. “I don’t know. Should I?” Cody asked, looking at the comments. “Yeah, yo-” I began saying but a comment caught my eye. I pointed to it. ‘You’re cute, whenever you’re available, call me *phone number*’ Cody did a nervous laugh, and scrolled back up. He looked at me, and smiled a cute smile. “Don’t worry, their not gonna, do anything to our relationship.” He said, as he smiled again. “So, carry on!” Cody said, looking at me. “I was saying you should, I mean, you have nothing to lose. But ask your mum and dad first, and see what they think.” I said, looking at the screen. “Okay, I will later.” He said, smiling.

*31st March” 

“You ready?” Angie asked Cody, as she got the camera ready. Cody was sitting on his couch, with his guitar ready, in his hands. He hadn’t told me what he singing, he said it was a ‘surprise’. “Yeah,” He said, as he looked at the camera. “Go.” Angie mouthed, and we watched Cody play.

I was smiling so big, when he finished. “Great! Lets go, put it on youtube!” Angie said, as she went to the laptop. Cody came up to me, after putting his guitar away, and said. “surprise.” while smiling. I smiled, as we walked over Angie, and watched her upload the video.

Cody would always do little things like that, just the small things to make me smile. You’ll find out more if you keep reading.

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