Chapter 6

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20th July 2009

“So, how are the singing lessons going?” I asked, Cody, as we sat in the school lunch hall eating our lunch. “Good, they’re making my voice stronger.” He said, as he took a bite off of his sandwich. “Great! Who knows, maybe you could be the next Justin Timberlake.” I said, giving him a fake wink at the end. “Nah, you know I’ve always wanted to be a swimmer. Oh yeah, that reminds me, swim practise. Bye Elle!” Cody said, before he dashed off and left at the dinner table. I laughed and grabbed my lunch, before going and sitting with Giorgia. 

“C’mon Cody! Hit the notes, you know you can do it!” Cody’s singing teacher told him. I was sitting with Brad, on a couch, watching Cody try and hit the high notes on I Want You Back, by Michael Jackson.

“Ooo baby, give me one more chance.” Cody sang, putting his whole effort in to reach the high notes. “Almost there, just keep practising, you’ll get it.” The teacher said again, before dismissing Cody from the lesson. 

“You’ll get it son.” Brad said, wrapping his arm around his shoulder, as we walked out the building and drove back home.

*25th July*

“You ready to give it another go? You’re finally starting to get it!” Cody’s singing teacher told him. “Yeah, can we record it? Put it on you tube?” Cody said, asking his mum and dad. Brad and Angie looked at each other. “I don’t suppose why not.” Brad said, before he got his phone out and started recording. Cody looked at the camera, before he started. 

“That was it! You got it!” Cody’s singing teacher, I never did remember her name, said smiling. “Yay!” I said, a tad to loud, causing everyone in the room to look at me. I could feel myself go red with embarrassment. “Um, well done Cody.” I said, as I put my head down, causing everyone to laugh. I remember Brad trying to make me laugh, because I as so embarrassed. I miss these times.

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