Chapter 4

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*16th May 2009, earlier in day*

Cody just got his new guitar, and he won’t stop, playing it. “Okay, Cody! We get it, can you please stop. You’ve been at it for ages!” I said, as Alli agreed with me. “I’m practising! I’m going to post another video, on youtube, the last one I did, got a lot of views.” He said, as he carried on playing his guitar. “What are you singing?” Alli asked, as I put my fingers over the strings to stop him from playing them. He gave me a dirty look, only joking, obviously, and answered Alli. “Cry Me A River, by Justin Timberlake.” he said, followed by a proud smile. “Very nice.” I said, returning the smile. Alli laughed at us, and pulled me away, to go upstairs.

*16th May 2009, later in day*

We was in Cody‘s room, when Angie came in, and said. “You ready to record it?” Cody looked at me, and I nodded at him. “I guess so.” Cody said, as he sat on the end of his bed, and got his guitar. I smiled at Cody, and stood behind Angie, “Go.” Angie said, as she pressed record. 

“Hey, this is Cody. I, got a new Maten today, so I’m going to be playing, Justin Timberlake, Cry Me A River. First song on this.” Cody said, as he looked down, and started to play.

“That was great!” I said, as Cody, smiled at us. “Great job Cody.” Angie said, going downstairs, with the video recorder. “Great job!” I said, as Cody, laid is guitar on his bed, and then walked over to me. “Shall we go downstairs?” Cody said, as he reached his hand for me. I nodded, took his hand, and we headed downstairs.

I spent a lot of time at Cody’s. Angie and Brad didn’t seem to mind though, and Alli, Tom and I got on great. We’d sit there and talk about everything, mostly about Cody on Youtube.

This was just when Cody’s life was starting to change, he had started to get much more attention than he did previous months ago. The views on his videos were increasing day by day, the comments were getting worse. Bad thing? Not really.

He was obviously doing something right, if he had haters. The haters back then, were nowhere as worse as the ones he had experienced in his teenage years, but somehow, he never let them bother him. And that’s one of the things I admired about him.

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