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Jamie owned a small apartment overlooking Central Park in New York City. It wasn't much, but for her, it was perfect. Every morning she could wake up and look down at the hustle and bustle of the city, plus she had a fire escape right outside of her living room where she often sat on the steps and listened to the sounds of the city.

She was only friends with a few of her neighbours, and luckily they didn't get on her nerves either. Living alone was pretty lonely, but she also loved the freedom of being able to do anything she wanted in her own space.

As she watered her small, potted plants she heard someone knocking on her door. It was most likely one of the neighbours asking for something, again. Jamie sighed, her bare feet pattering across her wooden floor as she walked towards her door.

When she opened the door she was surprised to see a large bouquet of flowers, the man behind them lowered them and smiled.

"Cody!" Jamie squealed, taken aback by seeing him standing in front of her.

"Hi, Jamie." He smiled softly, making her insides melt.

"Wait- how did you know where I lived?" She asked, confused.

"The first text you sent me was your address." Cody shrugged.

"Oh!" Jamie exclaimed.

Cody shifted slightly, "so, um, can I come in?"

Jamie looked dazed for a moment, "yes! Of course, excuse the mess."

Cody frowned as he walked inside her apartment, not seeing any mess at all, "you have a really nice apartment."

"Thanks! I love it." She smiled, twirling around slightly as she adored her home. Cody couldn't help but smile as he watched her, he really had missed her.

He wandered over to a wall filled with photos and Polaroid's, "is this your family?" He asked, pointing to a picture of a young girl and her family, including two boys.

"Yeah, they're my brothers." Jamie noted, pointing to the boys.

Cody nodded, "do you miss them?"

Jamie laughed, "not really... okay, maybe slightly." She admitted.

"I got you these by the way." Cody added, offering her the bouquet of roses.

"They're beautiful, thank you, Cody." Jamie smiled, a light blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"You're welcome," he replied, "you look cute when you blush." He chuckled lightly.

As she placed the flowers into a spare vase she had, Cody looked around her apartment, his eyes were eventually drawn to the view outside.

"I wish I had this kind of view from my apartment back in Los Angeles." He sighed.

"I bet you have a beach view or something pretty like that." Jamie laughed.

"No," Cody replied, "just a smog filled view of the city."

"Hm." Jamie mumbled as she placed her flowers with her other plants on her windowsills.

"I bet you sit on your fire escape all the time, right? I do too." He said.

"Yeah! I love sitting outside at night and just people watching." She admitted, people watching was one of her favourite hobbies.

"Me too!" He laughed, "soulmates, right?"

"Right!" Jamie smiled, liking the idea of soulmates.

"This is weird but can we go and grab something to eat? I came here straight from the airport and I'm starving." He admitted.

"Yes, of course!" Jamie said, blaming herself for forgetting to offer him anything.

She grabbed her jacket and followed Cody out of her apartment, as they left her building he followed the scent of street hotdogs.

"Oh god, those look like heaven." Cody sighed, practically drooling over the junk food.

"Really?" Jamie asked, appalled. She'd never liked the thought of getting food from a van on the streets of New York.

"Come on, my trainer has me on a strict diet back home, I'm not going to pass up on this," He said, "do you want one?"

Not wanting to disappoint him, she agreed.

Once he paid, the vendor passed them a large hotdog each which they ate as they strolled through Central Park.

"Okay... I'll admit this is pretty good." Jamie muffled with a mouth full of food.

Cody laughed, "yeah, this is the best hot dog I've ever had."

As they continued their walk around the park, Cody took his phone out and started taking pictures of ducks in a pond they were walking past.

Jamie smiled at how adorable he was as he crouched down trying to get the perfect angles.

"Jamie!" He called as she wandered over to read a plaque on a statue, she turned and saw him waving her over, "Come here." He grinned as he wrapped one arm around her, holding his phone in front of them.

Jamie smiled as he pulled her closer gently, his hand resting on her waist as he took a photo of them, "perfect." Cody said, glancing at her, every time he looked at her he was blown away by how beautiful she was.

He put his phone away, then Jamie took hold of his hand unexpectedly and dragged him behind her, taking him to her favourite spot in the park.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Just follow me." She said, skipping along as he followed behind.

Jamie led him to a large rock in the middle of the park, surrounded by trees.

She started climbing to the top, Cody followed, sitting next to her as he finally reached the top. The view from the rock was perfect, not to mention his company was too.

"This is my favourite spot in the entire park. I love coming here to read, or people watch." She giggled, which Cody found adorable.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, watching the world go by as people walked through the park.

Jamie turned to the boy sat besides her, his arms behind him propping himself up as he watched the sky.

"What was it you wanted to ask me in person?" She asked.

He looked over at her, sitting up properly, suddenly he looked extremely shy.

She glanced down, watching as he twisted his rings around his fingers nervously.

"Jamie, I was wondering... if you would be my girlfriend? Like officially?" He smiled as his cheeks flushed pink slightly.

Jamie's heart fluttered madly as he asked her the question she'd always dreamed he'd ask her, without hesitation she nodded, "I'd love to be your girlfriend."

Cody exhaled in relief, "I'm glad... you know I really like you, right?"

"I can tell," she smiled, "I like you too."

When the pair finally descended from the rock, the sun had disappeared and the moon illuminated the night sky.

Cody walked her back to her apartment, as he stood in her doorway, Jamie turned to him, taking the opportunity to kiss him. He was shocked at first but instantly kissed her back, his hand slipping around her waist and resting on her lower back as he leaned into the kiss.

"Goodnight, Cody." She whispered as she pulled away, looking up into his ocean eyes.

"Goodnight, Jamie." He replied softly as she closed her apartment door. He hailed a taxi after leaving her building and found a hotel to stay in. He had no idea how long he was going to stay but he knew he desperately wanted to spend more time with the girl who made his heart beat faster whenever he saw her.


hehe :)

𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 ( cody christian )Where stories live. Discover now