Chapter 1

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- Summers P.O.V -

I'm here! I'm finally here! Years I have been watching this show, and now I can finally say "I Summer Horan, am preforming on Britans Got Talent!

I only have a small family, my Mum, Dad and two older brothers Niall and Greg. Im really lucky to have them as my older brothers. Greg has a stunning wife and a lovely baby and Niall is off toring the world with his band One Direction. There both super protective over me and I'm sure if Niall had it his way he would have me walking around with a peace of string around my neck and a wodden plate tied to it say 'Niall Horan is my brother, he takes boxing lessons. Touch me, and your face will be so mixed up!'

"Come on hon" Mum say nugging me into line. Looking around I see people all around signing in, rehersing prerformces and warming up. We're a bit early but thats because its just me and Mum were the only people to leave the house. Niall is meeting us later.

"NEXT!" I hear a woman behind the desk shout. She dose not look happy. She is wearing the BTG lable on her top and the only thing I can look at is her chin! Its massive! Mum walks me over whilst she singnes a load of paper work.

I feel eyes on me so I turn around. I see a guy- a very HOT guy- looking at me, he looks a bit older than me but not by a lot. He is here with his mum I supose, he is carrying a guitar, his style is on point! He has a over sized wolly jumper, blue skinny jeens that are rolled up at the ankles and a pair of gray air max, he has a blue eyes that capture you. This guy has style.

- Baileys P.O.V -

I step into the large hall after hours of waiting out side. My mum signs me in as I gaze around looking at hundreds of people, they are all busy chatting away.

Being pulled into line by Mum I notice that i'm right behind a girl about my age. She looks slighty familiar. She has dark blond wavey hair, blue skinny jeens rolled up to her ankles and a grey over sized swetter. She looks hot from the back.

I probably have been looking at her way to long because she has just spun around on her heels and looked straight at me. She has amazing blue eyes that look like the dark blue sky, she has gorgus long eye lashes, he lips are a rosy red and her face is clear from and spots. Wow. She cant be more than 2 years yonger than me. But honistly ... W.O.W!

I wonder how old she is? Her body is well ... amazing! She has lovely curvs and I get the sudden urge to touch her. Knowing that if I did she would proberly slap me, so, I gave her an awkward wave. Honestly Bailey pull your self together, you might as well of pulled a rape face then ... Oh my god! She is waving back giggling! Aha yes Bailey! Get in!

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