Mr Bully

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Hey Mr Bully

What happened to my shoes

I know they were tacky

But they were all that I would need

Hey Mr Bully

Ive worked so hard

Its hard to believe 

You can take that away from me

The days gone fizzy

When you push and shout

What happened to the brotherhood 

And the sisters that be

Hey Mr Bully

I just want to be free

But the worlds so big

I guess its empowering me

Hey Mr Bully 

What happened to my poem

I write things down

Because it was my way of saying

The worlds just to big for me

So Mr Bully

Live your life

With your taunting lies 

Cause ill be the one

Rising up from the sky

If you dont belive it

Than look up high

You'll see my name

Etched in the clouds 

Yeah im that boy

The one you destroyed 

But its ok

Im living my life 

High in the sky

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