The Sea

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You are my ocean
So wild and free
Your power is so mighty
Only the gods can see

You are so beautiful
As the waves bash on
You hold so many secrets
Not yet discovered
Yet you are the mother of all mothers

Your rage knows no bounds
Your love has no limits
You are not what they have
Seen and they are not what
They have done

You are not old nor not young
You have seen the world in all it's glory
And it's ultimate demise
You have seen and captured
So very much et you are whisper
On the wind

We take things for granted
We do not realise
The corrupting violence
And swarm of tears
That you shed and rage
On our offended shores

You are a battle ground
So pure and frightful
Yet you hold the beauty
That we adore

You are my ocean
So wild and free
Your power is so mighty
Only the gods can see

Oh, How Cold And TreacherousTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon