Chapter 10

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I pulled into the parking lot at 7:00pm. It felt strange not to see it packed with cars. At times the office felt like Grand Central Station with all the patients. 

“Julie, are you sure you’re ready for this?” queried Sandie.

I’d waited three months for this night. I knew where Joe was going during the day and it wasn’t work. The P.I., I hired, Bob Fowler, filled me in with all of Joe’s escapades. At first I was furious, but when I realized I had a standing invitation with Doctor Waters and Sandie, I decided, all’s fair in love and war. If Joe was able to find pleasure with another woman, then I saw no problem doing the same.

“It’s all I’ve been thinking about this week.”

“Awesome. Doctor Waters and I feel the same way.”

“I do have one question.”

“What’s that?”

“Does this go on often? I mean, am I the first?”

She threw me a sheepish smile. “Of course you are. If we did it with all our beautiful female clients, it wouldn’t be special would it?”

Despite my feelings of trepidation, I believed her. “Okay.”

“Now, let me take your coat and purse. You won’t be requiring them for the next few hours?”


“Why, yes. We have to be thorough.”

Before I could resist, she was helping remove my coat. Her movements were slow and meticulous. I never realized loosing ones coat could be a sexual act. She undid each button with precision, never taking her brown eyes off mine. I felt mesmerized with her movements. Once the buttons were undone, her hands glided to my stomach and moved upwards. I wanted to pull back in embarrassment, but her emerald eyes kept me drawn in as her hands flowed over my full breasts resting on my shoulders. They then slid down each arm, erupting goose bumps of passion to my core. I thought my jacket was going to fall to the floor until she spun me around, catching it. I stood motionless not seeing where she placed it. I felt her warm breath on my neck, then a peck from her warm lips. She moved back in front of me, taking my hands. I’ve never been this turned on in all my life. “Shall we?”

I couldn’t answer her. I didn’t want to move. I didn’t want the moment to pass. My heart was beating out of my chest and all this from a harmless kiss on the neck. What have I gotten myself into? I should have said no and left, but my body said yes.

“Where?” I hushed out.

“Why, the examination room, silly. Where else?”

“Yes,” I replied.

She led me past the three normal examination rooms and stopped in front of the door marked, “Employees Only.” I always wondered what was back there.

She knocked twice then opened the door to a spacious room.

 It was lit with an unusual hue. It wasn’t a pure harsh white which most fluorescent lights provide; it was a softer more subtle color. It resonated with peace and tranquility. Classical music, either Bach or Beethoven was floating out of the rooms speakers. I also detected a faint hint of lavender in the air. I remember reading or seeing it in one of the pamphlets, how the scent helps ease the tensions of nervous patients who’d never gone through an adjustment before. It’s not normal to hear your bones cracking around or having someone tell you they’re going to twist your neck in an effort to make you feel better. My head began spinning.

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