Behind Y/N

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This picture is what I take Y/N looking like, albeit less cheerful, and whether you put a face to her or not. Long, flowing hair, with a uniform of sorts, whether it being a school uniform, or something more alike the Moon Demon Company Army's uniforms from Owari no Seraph. She does not believe in a lot of things, her parents being the abusive and insistent ways they are, so hope and such are things she finds silly. To be of something to Asura ensures that she and her brother, Leonardo, are very powerful. A lot is up to the reader to decide, but only so much can be decided by the reader when the author is the person writing. This is my take of her.

Age: 16

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 106lbs (ish)

Likes: Leonardo, being alone, reading, Ramen, fighting powerful opponents.

Dislikes: people, weak people, people at the top "pulling the strings", cowards.

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