Girl's Night In

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I sped off to the house with Alexus, Wanting to get home so we could get ready to hang out with the girls. I wanted to dress nicely, but Alexus said to just dress casually. I dragged her out to the mall, and what I didn't expect was to see Maka there, shopping alone. Alexus and Me started heading over to her as I said "Hey Maka! Why are you shopping alone?" "Well, I had no one to take with me, But now your here, so wanna go shopping together?" She said with a cheery smile. I smiled at her and said "Alexus you can go shopping yourself," Alexus Smiled, and raced off to hot topic. "Rue21?" Maka asked me. "Your a mind reader...." I stared at her with a creepy faced then we both laughed. We headed to Rue21 and saw Tsubaki shopping there by herself, too. "TSUBAKI!" I yelled waving my hands. She looked over at me and Maka, and smiled. We headed over to her to see her looking at a nice, long, bright yellow dress. I smiled at her and pushed it in her face. "I want you to try this on." I said. She happily went to the dressing room and tried it on. I looked around for a little while with Maka, until I found it. I found the PERFECT dress. It wasn't symmetrical, but it was close to that. It was A knee high, poofy, black dress. It had a small heart on the back, but to cover it up, it came with one of those little weist high pull over jackets, with the short sleeves. I smiled at it, and asked "Can you hold this for me?" She smiled brightly at me, and picked it up. I went looking for a pair of lace black High heels, and saw a little skull necklace. I picked it up on the way over to the shoes, and found a pair quite like the ones I was imagining in my head. I headed back over to Maka with my items, and she smiled at me. "Kid I'm guessing?" She said pointing to all of the things I had. "Uhh, maybe.." I said as my cheeks flushed with pink. She then turned her smile into a smirk and handed me the dress and pointed to the dressing room. I headed that way and I saw Tsubaki walk out of the dressing room. She looked so pretty, so I raced over to her. "You look so cute in that!" I said, she smiled and went back to the dressing room knowing it was the perfect dress. "Maka can you find her a pair of black or yellow flats?" "Sure." Maka said. She headed over ot the shoes isle as I tried the dress on. I came out of the dressing room, as Tsubaki's eyes widened, So I put a smile on my face. "That looks ADORBABLE on you!" She ran up to me and hugged me. "Can't Br-Breathe!" I pointed out. She then let go and said "Sorry, So I'm guessing you like kid, because your dress and heels are black, and you have a skull necklace?" Tsubaki smirked. My cheeks turned a Crimson red as I stuttered "Y-Yea," I smiled a little as she said "Good Choice." (Lawl, xD) "So who are you taking to the DWMA dance?" She asked. My eyes widened as I said "There's a school dance?!" "Yea, You didn't know?" "Well, of course I didn't KNOW!" I said as I started Hyperventilating. "Calm down Brooklyn!" "What's going on?" Maka said looking at me. "She didn't know there was a school dance so now this happened," She said pointing at me, as I was hyperventilating. Maka laughed a little and said "You'll be fine." She handed Tsubaki a black pair of flats and said 22, so I was guessing she just meant $22. "Thanks Maka." "No problem," She said with a smile on her face. I backed to the corner, and slid against the wall. I pulled my knees to my face and started crying a little. Both of there eyes Widened when they heard my sobs. They raced over and said "Don't cry!" In Unison. Alexus walked into the room and said "Brooklyn?" Tsubaki raced over to her and pulled her arm to come my way. Alexus eye's widened when she saw me. "That dress looks so cute on you, and why are you crying? I looked up at her and she saw my puffy, blue, eyes. I smiled a little as they all just stared at me. Igot up and went into the dressing room and changed back into my regular attire. They smiled at me as I came out of the dressing room. I wiped my eyes and said "W-When-n i-is the Scho-ool D-Dance?" "This weekend," Said Maka. We all Walked to the registar and paid for our items. We walked to Liz, Patty, and Kid's house and met up with all of them, Except Kid. "Where's Kid?" I asked. "He's sleeping in his room." Liz said. Alexus raced up to Patty and hugged her. They went to Patty's room, But I shrugged it off. I smiled a little, but my eyes are still puffy. Liz's eyes widened and practically screamed "Why are your eyes PUFFY?!" "Calm down Liz!" Tsubaki said. "She was just crying, she didn't know there was a school dance so she skid down a wall in a corner and started crying." A small tear rolled down my cheak as she said that. Liz hugged me and said "So I'm guessing you REALLY want to go with Kid?" "Y-Yea" I stuttered. "Who want's to play truth or dare?" Liz said. We all raised our hands and I smiled a little. We all sat at the Kitchen Table, and Liz went first, since it was her idea. "Brooklyn, Truth or Dare?" "Dare." I said with a confident smile. "I dare you, to make something in this kitchen, Asymmetrical, IN FRONT OF KID." My eyes widened in fear. "W-Why Infro-ont of K-Kid?" I stuttered. "Because." "OOOOH KIIIDDDD!" Alexus yelled. I looked back to see if i would hit anything walking backwards into a corner. Nothing was in my way so I backed up into the corner and was silent. We heard a thud from upstairs and all I then heard were Footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked at Kid walk into the kitchen, and I Smiled a nervous little smile. He had His pajamas and bed head and he was slouching, looking at Alexus a little annoyed. He looked at me, the only one in the kitchen, and I waved a little. He walked over to me, stopped slouching, and said "What?" I opened the refridgerator, the only thing I could think to do, and moved one of the jugs of milk a little, making him look at me. Confused, He stood there a little bit, but then moved the milk jug back. I narrowed my eyes at him, as he did the same. I moved the milk again, making it asymmetrical. All the girls were smirking behind him, attempting to stifle their laughs. He moved it back again, and this went on for about 10 minutes, before the girls burst out laughing. I turned around and paced fastly back to the table, so he couldn't see my pink cheeks. Once the laughing died down he sat down at the table and said "What are you guys playing?" "Tr-Truth or dare." DAMN IT BROOKLYN, WHY ARE YOU STUTTERING! I mentally slapped myself for stuttering and said "Ok, My turn! Maka, Truth or Dare?" "Dare?" She said, curious to what she would say. I smirked evilly, and said "I Dare You, To hang out with Crona." Maka's eyes Widened and we all burst out into laughter, except Kid. He just looked at me with a Questioning look. "She likes Crona," I whispered into his ear. "Ooh," He said a little surprised. I smirked and said "Ask him at DWMA when we go tomorrow," "O-Ok" She said. We all laughed a little, but I made out Kid's laugh out of all of them. His was adorable, and I scruffled his hair, since it was still Bed Head. He looked at me and smiled. Alexus Formed a heart around me and Kid with her fingers, and Mouthed an 'Aww.' I eyed daggers at her and Tsubaki just laughed. Maka then said "Alexus. Truth or Dare." "Truth." I looked at her a little surprised, but then whispered to Maka "Say 'Is it true that you like soul?'" Maka Smirked and said "Is it True that you Like Soul?" Alexus Flipped me off, and said "Yes." I Flipped her off and said "Love you too," with a smirk on my face. "Tsubaki, Truth or Dare?" "Dare" "I dare you to ask Black*Star out!" She Violently shook her head no until I said "Just do a little note or something," I smiled at her and she smiled back, happy with the idea. "We all Better get going, we all have to go to DWMA tomorrow, as known," I said with a saddish smile on my face. We all looked sad, even Kid, But i shrugged it of and said "Bye!" "Bye Brooklyn, Bye guys." Kid said. I smiled at him and he Smiled back. We all said our goodbyes and headed home. I Drew all of the guys, but made another one of Kid, And made it for all the girls. I fell asleep within a matter of minutes.

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