The Things I'd Do For You ( Death The Kid x Reader )

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It was my first day at DWMA and I was nervous. I was a meister and my younger sister was my weapon, so we had the sister, weapon, bond. Our parents had died when me and my sister were at a young age. They died in a car wreck, and after their deaths me and my sister lived with our abusive aunt and alcoholic uncle. Me and my sister, Alexus, had somehow earned enough money in the couple years we lived with them that we bought our own house immediately. Both of them had divorced, and I'm pretty sure they both lost their jobs, and now live in the streets. I was the only one there for my sister, and she was the only one there for me. That's why I'm nervous about going to DWMA for the first time, will we make any friends, because we both never really had friends. "Brooklyn, have you seen my favorite pair of underwear?" "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'VE SEEM YOUR FAVORITE PAIR OF UNDERWEAR?!" I yelled back at her. "Well I'm not leaving this house without one of my three favorite pairs of underwear." She retorted. I sighed, trying to find my favorite pair of jeans. "Have you seen my je-" I narrowed my eyes at her, because SHE was wearing my jeans. I grabbed her foot swiftly making her fall to the ground with an "OOF!" "GIVE ME MY JEANS!" I yelled at her. It took me about half an hour to pry the jeans off of her, and we found her underwear in the process. "What time is I- WE'RE AN HOUR LATE!" I screeched. I ran out the door forgetting to pick my book bag up on the way out. Alexus brought my book bag out, and I said "OOH, there it is, looks like I forgot it, Lawl," "Forgetting your book bag on the first day of DWMA? How could you?" She put her free hand to her heart like her heart just broke. "PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTT-" I snatched my book bag out of her hands, and headed towards DWMA. I heard yelling somewhere across the street, so I looked and saw a guy In a black suit with details I couldn't make out from this distance, and he was yelling at a random yellow house. There was a tall girl beside him with long, dirty blonde hair, face palming. Then there was another girl but she was short, with short, light blonde hair, sitting on the ground, petting a stuffed giraffe. I pointed towards the three and Alexus looked over at them. She started walking over to them, so I headed in the direction of them too. Alexus walked up to the little girl, and I thought, of course, she heads to the little one, she's so childish sometimes. I walked up to the taller one and asked "What's he doi-" "OCD" She said into her palms. I stared at him and took out my notebook. He was yelling about the symmetry of the house being off, so I started drawing a number 8 to the best of my abilities trying to make it symmetrical. While I was drawing the 8, I whispered to the tall girl "Uh, has he looked in a mirror? He's not symmetrical.." I tapped his shoulder, but when he turned around he narrowed his eyes at me. I smiled a toothless grin, and took my notebook out from behind my back. I showed him it, and he then said "Hmm, What's your name?" "Brooklyn, You?" "Death, Death the Kid, but you can call me Kid. Over there is Liz," he said pointing to the taller girl I was talking to, he then pointed to the shorter one with the stuffed giraffe and said "And this is Patty," "ALEXUS! GET OVER HERE!!" I yelled, I looked back at 'kid' and smiled again, then I looked to my side, to see a jumpy Alexus beside me. "Alexus, this is Death the Kid, but he goes by Kid, Kid, this is my sister/weapon, Alexus." "Hello!" She chimed with her toothy grin. 'Kid' held his hand out and said "Nice to meet you." She shook his hand while I said "Do you go to DWMA?" "In fact, yes, I do, lord death owns DWMA, I'm his son." I didn't even realize I was staring into his bright, gold colored eyes, I snapped out of out of my trance and blushed a little. "Ooh, are you a Shinigami?" I asked, changing the subject. "Yes, Why do you ask?" He said, I tensed up to the touch of Alexus putting her hand on my shoulder, and looked back at her. "Ooh, Err, no specific reason," I said with a small smile on my face. I saw him look into my eyes with a hint of suspicion, but he shrugged it off. He turned around and headed to what I would think is DWMA, Liz, and Patty following him. I let out a sigh I didn't even know I was holding back. "Do you think he'll find out?" I whimpered to Alexus, "I think you'd have to tell him for him to find out." I sighed, as I put my hand over the ground. Black electricity came from my hand as I squeezed my eyes shut. My hover board then came out of the ground. I hopped on it and said "Ready?" "Ready when you are." I nodded, and hovered up into the air a little higher then I expected. I gave her a thumbs up and saw her toothy grin again. She then yelled "SPEED x50!" She started running so I sped off. She ran by Kid and Liz, and took Patty's hand running faster. Alexus threw her on her back as she ran. I flew down to Liz, seeing as she was bored walking, and said "Hop on?" She smiled and got on my hover board with me. "Hold on," I said, staring into Kids deep, gold eyes again, he was looking at me too, but I shook it off. Liz held into my shoulders as I once again sped off. I flew for a a few seconds and stared back at Liz, to see she was already enjoying herself. I looked down to see Kid wasn't there. I stopped my hover board and turned it around to look for him. I was worried util he sped off past me on a levitating skateboard. I scoffed and raced up to Alexus. "Alexus, speed x200!" I then raced up Beside Kid, and once he snapped his head towards me I stuck my tongue out at him, then raced past him. We made it to the DWMA within another half hour, making us One and a Half hours late. I hopped off my hover board, helping Liz off. Patty was still on Alexus back, so I was guessing she was just giving her a piggy back ride. Kid had hopped off his skateboard and it went back in the ground like mine did, hmm, weird, I've never met another Shinigami who could do that. I saw someone on the top of the school, and he jumped down. "I, THE ALMIGHTY BLACK*STAR WILL SURPASS GODS! I CHALLENGE YOU, NEW PERSON, TO A BATTLE!" I sighed, shoving past him after he jumped down. I walked down the hallways, and asked Kid "Where's the death room?" "I'll lead you there," he said. Black star was behind you, and he said "TOO SCARED TO FIGHT ME?! I KNOW, EVERYBODY IS!" I turned around, flipping my hair and putting my hand on my hip, and flipped him off. Alexus smirked, then broke down into a laughing fit. We walked in awkward silence to the death room with Kid, and once we got there a I heard was a cartoonish voice say "HEYHOHAY!" "Hello father, they need to know what classes they have to go to." Kid sighed, pointing at us. I hid behind Alexus, as Lord Death said "I believe I put them in steins class with you, Liz, Patty, Maka, etc." I wave at lord death a little and he waved back. That puts a smile on my face, knowing that the headmaster, or whatever they'd call him, isn't the meanest person in the city. Me, Alexus, and Kid walked to stein's class, but I trailed behind him, not knowing where Stein's Classroom was. We got there and who I'm guessing was Stein then said "Ooh, hello, Kid, take a seat. And who are these people? New projects to dissect?" "I will rip those stitches out of your head if you dissect me.." Alexus said. I smirked at Stein, making my way to the back of the room. Alexus went to the back of the room with me, and I tried to pay attention in class. That failed because I took out my notebook and took the pleasure of drawing something. I actually had decent drawing skills but Alexus was always amused with my work. I started drawing, not even knowing what I was drawing, but i was around a quarter way done, but then I starred at kid. Something about his Cute ha- wait, did I just say CUTE?! Nevermind that, I started to finish my drawing but Stein then came up to me and took my notebook. My cheeks flushed with red, but I could only think of one way to cover it. Slamming my head on the desk. Yes, On the desk. Stein then put my notebook back down and nodded at me as Alexus tried to see what I was drawing. I hissed at her and closed my notebook, not finishing the drawing. "Watcha uhh, Watcha drawing there?" "Nothing, Yea! It's nothing, eh heh heh...." Kid was staring at me before I put my head back into my notebook and finished the drawing. After a while later I started realizing that I was drawing Kid. I quickly shut my notebook making a loud sound. Stein looked at me and smiled knowing what was in my notebook. Alexus smirked so I believe that she was looking at my drawing. I scooted a little closer to the edge. I saw Alexus staring at Soul so I kinda laughed a little, somehow catching Kid AND Soul's attention. I then smirked and handed her my notebook, knowing that she'd try and draw him. "Why can't YOU draw him!" She wined/whispered. I said "Fine, but only because i drew someone to hang up on my wall." "Pffffffffft Your gonna hang-" She moved her eyes towards Kid a little, "that on your wall?" He was staring at me. I blushed a little and said  "Yes."  I then started staring at Kid again, until Alexus waved her hand in my face, again, smirking. I narrowed my eyes at her, and started drawing. I didn't finish my drawing before class was over but it was lunch time so I wanted to get to know Tsubaki. Alexus went over to get to know Maka and Soul. I walked over to Tsubaki and Black*Star, and said "Hi, I'm Brooklyn, You?" "Tsubaki, I think you've already met Black*Star." "Hey Black*Star, I heard there's another new kid at the front of the school." I smirked as he ran to get to the top of the school. "Sooooo, I saw you staring at Black*Star today!" I whisper yelled. She covered my mouth and looked around to see if anyone heard me. I licked her hand so she would take it off my mouth. (YOU DIRTY MINDED READERS DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT) I handed her a napkin seeing her face was a little digusted. I laughed then looked over at Kid, Liz, and wait where's Patty? I shrugged it off and looked at Alexus who was with Soul, Maka, and Patty. I then stared back at Kid and out of the corner of my eye I saw Liz, laughing, holding her hand above Kids shoulder, ready to poke him. I shot her death glares, and looked at Tsubaki who was laughing her ass off, on the ground. I looked back over at Kid to see Liz doing the same thing. I smiled a little, admitting that it was a little funny. Kid looked back at Tsubaki and me and I just pretended to look at Liz. My cheeks heated up, and all I saw was a Tsubaki, poking my cheeks. "I think someones in looooooooove." She then burst out into laughing again. I got up, and walked over to Liz and Kid. I smiled at Kid when he looked at me, and shot Tsubaki death glares, pulling Liz along with me. I made my way back to Tsubaki and I saw Alexus laughing at me, coming over with Patty. "So, Who's crushing here?" I said, smirking. Me, Tsubaki, Alexus, and Maka raised her hand on her way over here. We all had little girly laughs, but i didn't know who Maka was interested in. "Maka, who are you interested in? I didn't see you staring at anyone today," I said, smirking. Maka's cheeks flushed with crimson red, as she pointed to Crona a little. I gasped. I just imagined how cute they would be together. I hugged her and said "You and Cr-" She then Slapped her hand over my mouth and all I see is Tsubaki going "Maka, Remove your hand, NOWW!" Maka just stared at Tsubaki, confused, and I smirked, licking her hand." I handed her a napkin seeing how her face looked like Tsubaki's. We all laughed and by now all of our crushes were looking at us. We all just looked at each other, then them, then back at each other. Me, Alexus, Tsubaki, and Maka's Cheeks were all flustered with different shades of red, as Patty, and Liz broke down into laughter. All of us were still blushing, as Liz asked "Wanna come over to the mansion today? Bell is about to ring, and we can catch up where we left off." I immediately shook my head, knowing she lived with Kid. The rest of them agreed and laughed at me, knowing the reason why I shook my head so violently. I smirked a little, as the next bell rang. We finished school off, and all the girls with their partner, met outside. I closed my eyes, putting my hand over the ground. Black electricity came out of it, so everyones mouths' hung open. Even Liz and Patty's. I smirked, and Alexus laughed at how amused they were. We sped off towards the house, Wanting to hurry and get ready to hang out with the girls.

A/N, I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE SOUL EATER CHARACTERS, BUT I DO OWN BROOKLYN, AND ALEXUS. Drop a vote if you want more long chapters :3 I'm writing chapter two, and suggestions are always welcome.

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