Does The Dance Go Wrong?

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I woke up in Kid's room. I smiled as I saw Kid's arms were wrapped around me. I slowly unwrapped his arms around my waste and went to the Liz's room. "Eggs and bacon for the weekend?" I said with a cheery smile. "Sure, and thanks." I walked to the kitchen, a little happy that Kid asked me to the dance. I was thinking, 'I'm gonna be soooooo busy today' I have to go to the styling company By that one place in death city to get my hair professionally curled, and then I have to have Alexus do my makeup if she isn't busy, which I'd think she is busy like always, and then I have to get the dress on without messing my hair up, THE STRUGGLE! I started humming a song, but that somehow ended with me singing.

"Now's the time, get in line,

Don't be afraid tonight,

We're gonna take you high,

Before you realize,

Round and round you'll go,

Up and down,

Never slow,

Feel the excitement grow,


This is where you let go!

Hands up like a roller coaster!

This love it taking over!

Take us higher,

Here we go!

Oh, Oh, Oh,

Welcome To The Show!

Gravity we're defying,

'Cause we were made for flying,

We're about to lose control,

Welcome to the shoooooooow,


Welcome to the,

Oh Oh,

We're on a mission,

Nothing, Nothing!

Can stand in our way,

Oh oh,

We don't need permission,

We're gonna rise up,

We'll be the change!

Oh Oh,

Hear us on your stereo,

Oh Oh,

We're about to lose control,

Oh Oh,

Everybody knows,


This is how we let go.

Hands up like a roller coaster!

This love it taking over!

Take us higher,

Here we go!

Oh, Oh, Oh,

Welcome to the show!

Gravity we're defying,

Cause we were made for flying!

We're about,

To lose control,


Welcome t-"

Arms snaked around my waist as I stopped singing. Someone put their head in the crook of my neck. I looked back to see kid smirking. "You never told me you could sing," I blushed a little, due to my stage fright. "So who was that song about?" (That 😅 moment Lawl) "You?" You turned around with a small smile on your face. "Knew it" he smirked. I hit him in the side of the head with the spatula and then turned back around to get back to the eggs and bacon. He grunted and went back upstairs for what I was guessing sleep. Patty came up to me and hugged my legs. I was now annoyed with all the hugging so I just patted her head. She smiled up at me and ran to the giraffe she had in the living room. I finished the eggs and bacon and called Patty and Liz to the kitchen, and set plates in front of them. I grabbed myself a plate and put one symmetrical plate on the table. "Aww, you did that for kid? Well he doesn't eat that much hun," Liz said. "He might" I muttered under my breathe. "Can't wait for the dance!" Patty practically yelled. "Its today, right?" I said, trying to keep in my worry. "Yeup." Liz said. We all ate our food but I put Kids food in the microwave so it wouldn't get cold. (Sorry I found that out like a month ago and it actually works, Lol my dumbness level #IQ of a rock 😁) I went to Liz and said "Going home to get some clothes, and are we getting ready for the dance at my house?" I asked. "Sure, just let me make sure it's fine with Kid." "NO, I don't want to show him my dress." I said with a smirk but worriedly look on my face. I just laughed as she pried Patty off the giraffe she had. I wrote a note to Kid and stuck it on the microwave telling him where we were going and that there was food in it for him. We walked to my house since my hover board couldn't fit three, and it took quite a while too. "Are we there yet?" Patty whined. "Transform," I said. They looked at me like I was crazy (CRAY CRAY BITCHES) "What?" "Just transform." I said with my hands out. They looked at each other and shrugged. They turned into pistol form and I caught them with ease. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" Liz asked astonished. Patty just laughed, very loudly. (awkward o.o) "I don't know," I said. I lied. Shinigami's wavelengths can adjust to all weapons wavelengths. "Then why did you tell us to transform?" "Idk, it was just a thought," I said, putting Liz in the same hand with Patty. I summoned my hover board and hopped on, putting Liz back in my other hand. We flew over to my house. "Stay gun formed, I want to scare Alexus," I said with smirk. Liz snickered and Patty was amused. I walked into the house to see Alexus texting off on her phone, she didn't even notice me. "HANDS UP!" I screamed at her. She threw her hands up and threw her phone at the ceiling too. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I whispers "Liz, patty, human after I say turn around." barely audible. "Get up and turn around." She did as I said thinking I had real guns. Liz and Patty transformed back into human form. "Turn back around." I said putting my hand up on my hip and bending my knee a little to look like some plastic popular. She turned around as I said "Gotcha!" "Can me and Brooklyn have a moment?" Alexus asked glaring daggers at me. "Sure," Patty said kinda curios. They went into the kitchen and Alexus practically screamed "DID YOU TELL THEM?!" "What?! NO!" They came and and Liz said "Tell us what?" with an annoyed tone dripping from her voice. "You have to promise not to tell kid!" I said in a little high pitched voice. "If your telling us you like Kid, Kid even knows you like him." "WHAT?! I WASNT EVEN GONNA SAY THAT?! HOW?!?" I screamed. "Get back on topic," Alexus said. "Ok I'm a Sh-Shin-n-iga-ami." "Is that how you held us in our forms?" Patty asked, as Liz jaw was at the floor. "DONT TELL HIM!" I said with panic in my voice. They violently shook their heads up and down seeing as to he would freak out. "Don't think of me different, ok?" I whimpered. "Never would," Liz said with a smile, making me smile too. "Can we just grab our things and leave?" I asked. "yeeup." I grabbed my things as I told them I had a hair appointment asking them to take my stuff back to the mansion. I went to my hair appointment on my hover board.

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